𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

498 17 0

049 didn't wake up until in the early afternoon, his limp muscles becoming tense once more. He didn't exactly move at first, staring at the ashy wall for a long while. He'd then lift up his head and look down towards 035. " I suppose it gets a bit boring when you have nothing to do but lay within my embrace for eight hours. "

"I don't mind," he answered. "It isn't boring by any means. Much happens, even when you sleep."

049 would slowly raise his arms, stretching them with a small yawn. He'd then stand whilst holding 035 in his arms. " Care to give an example..? "

"Well there are passing animals, rats and birds and the like. You also happen to twitch a lot. Sometimes you talk."

049 would fall silent for a small while, taking his new cane and beginning to head out of the damaged house. " I see.. I suppose it does get a little chilly at times. My apologizes. "

"It doesn't bother me, mon amour," he said.

" I see.. well, thank you I suppose. " He uttered as he started heading toward the shop... because yes, he was going to get duct tape.

035 became suspicious. "You better be going to find me a host rather than what I think you're doing."

049 rolled his eyes. " Ah yes. Of course. I'm going to get you a host for a week long trip to Italy. " He said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Normally, I would make an exception for you, but I may have to kill you if you try to put duct tape anywhere on me."

" That's an empty threat and you know it. If you were to take my life, you'd be left all alone and won't have any kind of transportation. Besides.. it'll be for the road when you get annoying. " He confessed.

035 just sighed in frustration. This was one of the few times he really despised being a mask.

" If you want a host, I suppose it won't be too much work. Besides.. it's just a quick stop. In and out. " He added on a bit later.

"Thank you. Θα σας χτυπήσω τη στιγμή που έχω έναν οικοδεσπότη."

049 looked down at the mask with a look of a bit of confusion. He really only understood a quarter of what he said. He'd then groan and roll his eyes. " Mind speaking a language I now fluently? "

"Δεν νομίζω ότι θα το κάνω."

He sighed, continuing his way toward a nearby shop in town.. That.... wasn't the same shop as before. Once entering, he made sure his hood was up and over his eyes as he looked toward the ground. 049 sighed, leaving the mask on the counter top in hopes for the other to get a new host while he went off to get duct tape.

035 waited for someone to see him. A pretty average looking guy spotted him, and was compelled to put him on. Quickly, 035 found 049. He didn't fulfill his threat of slapping him.

049 looked upon the rows of duct tape, picking out a roll and turning around to go make his way back toward 035. Of course, the other found him first. " You ready to get going? "

"Oh no, I'd never be caught dead wearing that colour of duct tape," he said sarcastically.

He deadpanned, looking at 035 and letting out a small irritated growl. " Are we being picky now..? "

"Well if I have to be covered in tape, I at least want to not look like a complete idiot in it."

Without much hesitation, he'd extract and tear of some of the tape and basically smack it over 035's mouth. He huffed and started making his way out of the shop.

035 let out a long groan, though it was slightly muffled by the tape.

049 wasn't worried in the slightest. If the other wanted to take it off, he could... he had a host. Once exiting the shop, he'd let out a small groan before making his way quickly toward the town's exit which headed up north to where he needed to go.

When passing a garbage bin, 035 quickly ripped the tape off him and threw it away. "I hate you."

He'd roll his eyes, letting out a small chuckle. " Je t'aime aussi. " 049 muttered, continuing to walk with a lowered head.

"Oh, I can just tell by the way you lovingly smacked duct tape over my mouth."

049 would let out a small laugh, looking over toward 035 with a grin underneath the scarf-like cloth that covered his lower part of his face. " I'm glad you could tell it was lovingly. "

"You could have put something else on my mouth lovingly, you know," he countered, clearly trying to fluster 049.

If it cough be shown, 049's face would be nothing but red at this point. He'd quickly look away and continue walking as he mumbled to himself in a salty manor.

035 laughed. "That's what I thought," he said, extremely smug.

049 kept mumbled to himself while walking. He'd then sigh and glance back at 035. " Vous flirtez terriblement.. "

"Terribly well, you mean," he replied.

" Shut up. " He said, stopping for a moment to look around before continuing to walk with his head lowered.

035 just chuckled more. He loved making his dorky birb get all flustered.

Without much of a warning, 049 wacked 035's host in the stomach his his cane. " Tête baissée. " He demanded.

"Ow- my god, you need to stop doing that-"

" Didn't I just tell you to shut up. Come on.. hurry up now. " He whispered, quickening his walking pace.

Reluctantly obeying, 035 kept up with 049. He looked around, trying to see what 049 had seen.

Why was 049 acting like this you ask? Well, he had caught a glimpse of what looked like to be a Foundation personnel... and not knowing if there might be security in town, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible without attracting much attention.. despite the two sticking out like a sore thumb.

Though he didn't exactly know what was happening, 035 was extremely alert and ready to defend 049 at any moment.


in my honest opinion, i love it when couples bicker and sass each other
it's cute
anyways, headcanon for both(?) is that 049 has nightmares. mostly about the plague and just a fuck ton of guilt problems and whatnot. and 035 knows about them!

"𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"  An 035 x 049 fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now