𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Within a few minutes, 049 managed to find a broken down place. It looked as if the whole thing had been burned down. Oh well, he wasn't THAT picky. He'd basically push the door open, looking around the place.

035 followed him in. He was still kind of flustered about what had happened, so he didn't say anything.

049 looked behind him, concerned that 035 wasn't following him thanks to there being silence. He'd the sigh, relieved before beginning to explore the house. " Merde.. bon sang.. I should've grabbed medical cloth while we were at the shop. "

"Is it your arm, doc?" he asked, suddenly ignoring his own embarrassment.

He'd nod, untying the bloody cloth on his arm. " It's bled through a lot.. and it's getting disgusting. No matter.. wounds heal quickly... I think. "

Without hesitation, 035 held out his host's arm. It barely had any of the acid on it yet, and there were long sleeves. "Would this do, dearest doctor?"

049 looked over before giving a small nod. " Yes.. that'll do nicely. "

He quickly tore off the sleeve and handed it to him. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

He'd raise an eyebrow, taking the sleeve's cloth that the other handed him before tying it over the wound. " You may speak your mind. "

He considered whether or not to tell him what he was thinking. "I... suppose I feel sorry," he murmured. "I shouldn't have put you in harm's way like that... pardonnez-moi, mon amour.."

049 looked back toward the other before sighing. " Oh amour.. je t'ai déjà pardonné. We're alive, aren't we? "

He laughed quietly. "For now..." he said. "We need to be more careful.."

The doctor look to the side with a small chuckle. " You're right on that. " He said before perking up. His eyes lit up as he quickly made his way over toward what looked to be a rather damaged cane underneath a bit of rubble. He'd kneel down, clearing the rubble away and picking up the cane. " Look mon amour..! "

"Oh god no," he laughed. "The foundation committed a godly act when they took your cane. Tu es une menace avec ça!"

049 looked back at 035 with almost an offended look. " I am no threat! That was such a sad time when my took it.. I miss it dearly. " He spoke before standing. It was nice to have a cane once more.. even if it wasn't exactly his own.

"Non ti capirò mai." He was still laughing a bit.

" Is there a need to understand me? I don't see why you'd need to. " He admitted,

"Nothing, nothing. Just try not to take anyone's eye out with it."

" Me? Take out an eye? As if I would ever.. " He said with a small chuckle before sighing and walking over toward one of the walls. 049 would lean the cane up against it before sitting down.

035 followed, also sitting down. He studied 049, taking stock of every minute difference from how he last remembered him.

049 brought his knees up to his chin with a sigh as he'd just relax. The only reason he wasn't laying on 035's host was because he didn't feel like getting goopy acid all over himself.

"𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"  An 035 x 049 fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now