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I was looking for the hundredth time if everything is done or not

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I was looking for the hundredth time if everything is done or not

I went to our bedroom & saw him wearing his suit. Which is chose by me 😎

I dried his hair with hair dryer cause he was taking forever 

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I dried his hair with hair dryer cause he was taking forever  . he was putting his wrist watch. He always wear our engagement ring which is so heart whelming 😍.i also wear mine.. Btw i wore some jewellery as well..

When we were done. We went downstairs & all the guests have arrived by now it was just my family & his friends

Everyone sang the "happy birthday " song for him.. Guests came one by one & gave him gifts.. I baked a cake for him especially. Everyone was enjoying. My parents came & gave him gifts. Which he gladly took.

2 hours later

The food was  served an hour ago.. Food time has came to an end.. Everyone was clicking pictures  but i straightforwardly told Suleiman to NOT TO CLICK PIC WITH GIRLS. He laughed at my jealousy   but obeyed. It was time to cut cake 

He cut it & made me eat first

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He cut it & made me eat first. I made him eat. Then he made my dad eat, then mom blah blah blah. His friends brought a cake for him

 His friends brought a cake for him

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I laughed and hardly controlled it. He cut it.. Everyone started eating cakes

Some of the guests leave after greeting us. Only Jack bro & my family were left.

I coughed

Suleiman : yes my love

Me: i made a cake for You..it didn't turn out that well. Umm would you like to cut it?

Suleiman : no ( i got emotional & sad. He smirked)  i would love to cut that my baby.. Where's that?

Me: you scared me

He hugged me

Suleiman : oh my love i just teased you.. Sorry

Me: i forgive you for everything..

He raised his eyebrow

Me: yup also for that night

His mouth hung open. I closed it. He looked at me to confirm if its true or not. So, i sightly pinched his biceps. He literally shouted which gained everyone's attention.. So i excused us & drag him to a corner

Suleiman : are you sure?

Me: yes hubby. I forgive you.. After all the care,love I've received i shouldn’t be angry on you

He hugged me very tightly, he picked me & started shouting

Me: suleiman put me down please. Im pregnant you duffer

He put me down.. And i slightly slapped his biceps & poked his abs.

He was laughing..

Suleiman : im so happy this is the best birthday of mine.. Im so so so so so happy..

Me:ok don't be so happy. I haven't forgave you totally (his expression changed from happy one to confused one) ill forgive you at one condition

Suleiman : what is that? No matter what is that.. Ill do it

Me: sure?

Suleiman :1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000%

Me: ok my condition is(i emphasized the word "is") from now on you will improve yourself

Suleiman: huh?

Me: in short I want  you to perform prayer with me,learn duas,surahs etc & also learn to read holy Quran from me. Ok?

Suleiman : was that the condition.?


Suleiman : ill do it surely..tbh i wanted to learn to be a proper, practicing muslim. But i was shy to tell you to teach me..

Me: 🙄 but you don't get shy when i kiss you 🙄🙄

Suleiman : 😅😅

Me: lets go now & cut that cake.. Im tired

We cut the cake which was made by me

We cut the cake which was made by me

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And the party ended.. My family went to their home & jack bro as well..Jack bro invited my Family on his wedding.. We went to take rest.. After dinner i drifted off to sleep

Assalamualaikum 😊

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Sorry for my mistakes. To be honest im getting dumber day by day. You guys can point out my mistakes. &  im really weak in using 'prepositions'. Ok i admit that im dumbo but i love myself 😌

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