Chapter Twenty-Nine: Don't Try Suicide

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Freddie, 1978

"Fred, come on. There's more to life than this" Roger expressed his concern and put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me Blondie. I'm fine. It's all bloody FANTASTIC!" I shouted and waved my arms around with a big smile. "It's actually perfect, I'm finally alone again. I don't have to waste my time on others, I can be myself!" I exclaimed and turned my back to the boys, to pour myself another glass of wine to numb the pain.

"You've been drinking basically every day Freddie, it's time to stop and move on. She's not coming back" John said. 

"Wait a second, did I ask?" I faced Deacy, "did I ask for your input my dear? I don't believe I did. Now, go do your own thing, and I'll do mine, capice". I sat down at the piano and poured myself another glass of wine.

"Now let's finish this fucking album, shall we ladies" I hissed and put the headphones on. "Fred, you're singing the last part of 'Jealousy', we are done with the piano" Bri reminded and gestured towards the microphone.

"Oh yes of course, my bad" I mumbled and walked over to the microphone hanging down.

"Take one of 'Jealousy'" I said before started adding the finishing touches of the song. 

A full 4 hours later, we finally did it. We were now done with 'Jazz' and I felt a burden get lifted from my shoulders. Finally free.

"Fucking finally. Let's go out and celebrate, who's with me" I shouted and waltzed towards the door. 

As usual, the time passed by too fast and I found myself in the middle of a nightclub, surrounded by horny fans, trying to get my attention. Their voices made me more dizzy, the ecstasy was starting to wear off so I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer.

I need to the numb the pain, I need it to go away, before it gets too overwhelming. I can't handle it, I can't handle the constant anxiety and seeing her everywhere. I frantically reached for the little white bag in my pocket with the pink pills.

As I was looking at the pink little pill in my hand, images of her started popping up. Her voice filled my ears as she sat next to me, by the piano. She was singing 'don't stop me now' and sounded like an angel. Her smile was infectious, and her eyes were staggering. She was singing my song way faster than I had been singing it, and she somehow made it work. The change of lyrics and the tempo increasing, made the song perfect. The way she smiled at me as she told me to not give up and how her whole body leaned towards me as he studied each other. How divine she looked, as we made love together, how we became one. I punched the bar table and rose up from the stool, making it fall on the floor.

I can't take this anymore.

As I was determined to escape these feelings, I rushed home and felt my heartbeat increase as I threw around with the furniture and glasses. I punched the grand piano's keys and flipped the stool. I took the red lamp and smashed it down inside of the piano as the pain inside of me, grew stronger.

"WHY ISN'T SHE COMING BACK" I screamed aS the lamp broke. I started hyperventilating and walked out to the kitchen. I poured all the pills I had in my pocket out on the kitchen table and got a glass of vodka

I looked at the pink pills and swallowed one. Nothing Happened. The pain in my stomach grew stronger so I took three more. I need more, I need more to numb the pain, this won't help me. I desperately took the rest of the pills and downed the glass of water.

A full minute passed and I slowly felt my body give up. With heavy feet, I crawled up into the guestroom, her room, and crawled up on the bed. Her perfume filled my nose as I inhaled and then everything turned black.

🖤A big THANKS to everyone who's been following this little adventure with Clover & Freddie🖤

🖤 It's been a wild ride. I started this story on Freddie's birthday in September & I'm ending it on the day he passed away. I love this story a lot & I can't believe so many of you do too. You guys keep me going, thank you for not giving up on me. It's been an emotional rollercoaster, I know the ending was a bit dark, but maybe, in the future, we can change that yeah? Let me know how you're feeling! What do you think about my story? I'd love to hear feedback or just any thoughts or questions you might have 🖤 

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