In the Closet (Literally)

Start from the beginning

He was so nervous, he made it worse by just hearing the first step the boy made on the stairs; Johnny soon just rushing over to the closet and getting inside, setting the one shoe he had down and was about to shut the door, but Ponyboy had already walked into the room without a clue - throwing his backpack onto the floor as usual before throwing himself onto the bed, the 16 year old glad he was too busy getting over the 30 second blast of anxiety to giggle at his antics.

And just to be clear, the closet this room had inside had these little slits in the doors so you could see the outside from the inside and vice versa; well, it was actually kind of dark in this closet so, he was sure that the brunette wouldn't be able to see him, which worked almost perfectly - if he had time to plan the whole thing out as soon as he got here, it would have been easier, but he was too caught up thinking about his best friend's life... which was kind of weird, now that he thought about it.

All he could really do know was watch, watch what the other did by himself, it eventually kind of got pretty boring though; Ponyboy never walked by the closet once, he did his homework, read, went downstairs a couple times, and was now writing in a little book at the desk that was set up right by the window. Johnny was, as expected, curious as to what it was, but he wouldn't be stupid and just suddenly exit the closet with a "Boo!", that's just dumb. Well, to him it was.

This was a full proof plan he was going to succeed at, but he had to have the patience to do it, so he continued to wait. The ravenette occasionally wondered if the other could feel his eyes on him or not, it seemed that the gray eyed teen kept looking behind him or running a hand through his dark brown hair, and that usually meant he was nervous. But the more Johnny inspected him, the more... the more he noticed how sly Ponyboy was trying to be at that moment, looking around every couple minutes at the slightest of sounds while having an arm around the book, as if to hide something he didn't want anybody else to see.

It made the dark toned male kind of worried actually, he really hoped it wasn't something awful, or something Pony thought he couldn't tell anyone, then he'd feel guilty for not being a good enough friend... But somehow, he was wrong. His intentions of how the other would be feeling once he stood up was assumed incorrectly, because the freckled, broken teen stood with a beautiful and loving looking smile on his face as soon as he turned around; and it instantly reminded Johnny of the picture on the wall.

That smile that meant there was hope in the world, or that of an innocent child growing to believe the world would be good to them, but why? What was the reasoning behind it? The ravenette still watched as the boy flopped himself on his bed yet again, but this time, staring up at his ceiling as he grinned; like he'd won an award, or was given a compliment by the right person. But Ponyboy was happy, and the puppy eyed kid loved to see it, heart pumping unknowingly in his own chest as he stared at the one who had no idea he was being watched.

"God, I love him..."

Johnny's eyebrows instantly rose. Him? Was Pony gay? Or was he talking about his brothers...? Or the gang, maybe-? Did he mishear? Now the sneaky teen was very confused, and wanted more than anything to ask the other what he meant by that; or simply who it was. The brunette had him all sorts of curious from head to toe! But he wasn't planning on giving up his plan just yet, he was sure Ponyboy would walk by the doors eventually... but once again, he was wrong. The boy just sat there staring at the glow in the dark stars that were stuck to his ceiling with that same little smile plastered to his face, who was he all smiley for? And why won't he just walk by the doors so he could have a chance to actually ask?

Yet, he still watched with a mere impatience, but he guessed he had a reason to stare at him at that point without it being weird; Pony was kind of uh... a nice person to look at, if you know what I mean. Handsome, in a way. But it would be awkward if Johnny were to just blatantly stare without a word, or even a reason, just doing so. Now he could, even if it was technically stalking. The freckled, pale boy soon fixed himself into the correct position on the bed, unlike how he was laying before, and shutting his eyes, now was his chance, Johnny thought; he left the shoe in the closet, but opened it as quietly as he possibly could, glad that it didn't make the slightest of noises.

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