~Quentin Bernham~ (Seme)

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Name: Quentin Bernham

Nickname: None, he hates them

Age: Mid-twenties

Sex: Male

Gender/pronouns: Male, He/him

Sexuality/romantic attraction: bisexual


Scars: Many on his arms and legs, and a few on his face

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Scars: Many on his arms and legs, and a few on his face

Tattoos: None currently but hopes to get one once he saves enough money

Defining features: Besides the scars, a large cut on his lower lip stands out the most. He got it from falling off of his bike and continues to accidentally open the wound

Personality: He is completely approachable and easy to talk to. He will do favors (appropriate ones) for a small price and gets the job done extremely quickly. However, he is often forgetful. He refuses to dwell on things for too long and is not easily offended. When offended he walks away and tries to calm down, but will fight if he is followed and provoked further.

Strengths: Extremely reliable and easy to talk to. Makes friends quickly and will protect others if it's needed

Weaknesses: Extremely forgetful and that often causes problems with the people around him. He has trouble learning new things and often is looked down on for that

Habits: He is often popping his joints, typically his shoulders, back, and fingers. He also picks at the scab from the cut on his lower lip.

Relationship status: single

Family: Deceased mother, living father, and two younger sisters named Riann and Alexis

Background/backstory: His mother passed away giving birth to his youngest sister, Alexis. He was a teenager by that time and had already begun being rebellious. The new complete control from

His father and the attention always being occupied by his younger siblings he began leaving the house often to escape. He bought an old motorcycle for cheap and got a job for a mechanic who was able to help him fix the bike up. Most of his scars are from early falls when learning how to ride. After graduating high school he left his home town and went about a half hour drive away. He still works at the mechanics shop.

Mental illnesses: None

Health problems: Bad memory issues that hinder him from doing a lot of things

Fears/phobias: Is afraid of being held down by something. Doesn't want to be under the control of one person or thing

Smokes: occasionally

Drinks: Mild drinker

Occupation: working in the mechanics shop

Position: seme

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