Chapter 4

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As I start on my way home another boy bumps into me. He seems angry but flustered at the same time. His shoulder-length black hair shadows his crystal blue eyes. I upset but he is still not bad looking.¨I'm so so so sorry here let me help you!¨I try to help him up but he pulls away hitting me and knocking me down ”The hell are you trying to do?! Stay out of my way!” Tears started to swell in my eyes ¨I...I apologized why are you such an ass!?¨ I wasn't just upset, I was angry. “Whatever, just remember to watch out next time.” He got up and walked away, hiding a faint blush. As I  sat there tears of embarrassment rolling down my face a shadow loomed over me as I looked up it was A boy with blond hair a white t-shirt and a blue and red hoodie-wearing baggy jeans reaching out his hand offering to help me up. “You okay?” I blush to realize his two-colored  one green one blue look down at me ¨Yeah I´m Hope I bumped into someone and they got angry and left me here..” His expression was one of worry, and his eyelids softened. “Oh. So you bumped into HIM…” Him? I wondered who he was talking about was it the guy that just left me sitting here ¨Him? who I never got his name or yours for that matter¨ He stood there,¨What I mean by him is his name is Damian...he's a loner and a loser he doesn't belong in a world of beautiful people like me….And you of course but mainly me¨ I was disgusted and got up walking away from him I didn't care if I didn't know his name personally I didn't want to-- “Now, now, you aren’t leaving me that soon, are you?” It took me a second to realize that he had grabbed me by my hand, and a rose was in his other hand.

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