Chapter 5

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Surely you know that’s no way to treat a gentleman.”  I stepped on his foot elbowing him in the stomach as I run away. I didn’t even realize that he started to get up, running toward me with a furious look in his eyes. I can get inside my house as I lock the door prepared to call the cops. As I get a good look at him, he has a crazed look as he grabs a crowbar and starts to bang at the window. The cops pull up just in time, arresting him as I hide in my closet. The cops knock on my closet door alerting my sister and me that it’s ok to come out. I peek out seeing my grandma as my sister and I run out hugging her tightly. When everything has calmed down I listen to some music on Youtube. I find a song titled ‘My sweet Hope’ I see that the Noah boy I met wrote it. As I start to listen I blush. Suddenly my ringtone goes off  signaling I have  a message from “Unknown”
Unknown: Hey is this Hope
Hope: Yes who is this?
Unknown: Oh sorry It’s Noah from the park you dropped a card on your way out and it had this number on it.
I then realized I had dropped my card for my new job with my aunt called “Treasured Tales”
Hope: Oh..yeah sorry that was or my aunt business
Unknown: Oh. It’s okay, we all lose things from time to time.
Hope: Yeah...I saw the song thank you.
Unknown: W-wait, you did? D-did you like it..?

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