Chapter 1

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Tsundere cat: hey bestie you there
Tsundere cat: HELLO!!!!
Bestie: Hi, I’m here
Tsundere cat: just got to Ohio sitting in a park listening to our fav Linkin park lol *w*
Bestie: Linkin Park nice ^u^
Tsundere cat: it's nice I've got the biggest room and Zoie is baking cookies. I miss you!!! T-T
Bestie: I miss you too >n< I hope you’re having fun
Tsundere cat: not I go to my new school tomorrow and I'm scared
Bestie: You can do this just stay determined ^u^
Tsundere cat: awwww #ilovemyundertalefam-w-
Bestie: #ilovemybestfriend >u<
from Tsundere cat -w-
Bestie: Awwwww *Digital petting*
Tsundere cat: speaking of ice cream I see  an ice cream truck ttyl call u later
Bestie: Noice ttyl ^-^
As I put my phone away in my grey hoodie pocket I felt a little less homesick. Saria and I have been bffs since pre-k. After I got my ice cream I bumped into a guy on his skateboard.

How Do You Say Goodbye?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora