The girl tore the bandana off and tied her hair with it. "I'm Evie Hallman. That's Connor Travis. If you've seen the news any time in the past two years, I'm Senator Diana Hallman's daughter. We're both DC kids, but it's his place to tell you what he wants to say about his life. What happened is complicated. We were sitting by our favorite spot in DC, on the roof of my house, before a White House event. Connor was gonna call his ride to pick him up. We went downstairs into the yard and these men in black suits jumped out of a van. They ran and grabbed us. They spoke to us too, no names of course, and spoke to each other about their assignments, rather too loud if you ask me. I guess they didn't expect us to get out of there alive. Next thing I know we're duct taped behind that desk a few men and women keeping a close eye on us. They knocked him out because he was struggling too much. Then, you came."

"So I ended up in the car with an eight-year-old girl-"


"And a mysterious famous person's son, whom by the way looks even more familiar than you."

"Yup. I bet you five bucks you can figure it out if you really try," Evie urged.

Lielle glanced back at the boy. He had shaggy light-brown hair, neatly trimmed, with freckles splattered across his nose. He wore a light grey T-shirt with a pair of blue jeans that somehow seemed out of place. He looked like White House material, excuse the clothes. But that couldn't be...

"I dunno. I got nothing to bet you with, Evie, and I am not in the mood for guessing games."

"It's Connor Travis. I thought his dad would definitely give it away. Looks exactly like him. He's President Michael Travis's son. Anyway, so tell me your story."

"Then where's his secret service?" Lielle wondered.

"He managed to get away from them before we met up," Evie explained.

Lielle sat up a little straighter. Just being in the presence of these famous kids was enough to make her nervous. She told her about hers and Gabriel's families passing, leaving out key details. Evie seemed too shocked since she probably heard about death all the time from her mother.

"I am sincerely sorry about your family. If there's anything I can do-"

Lielle held up her hand. "Look, I'm going to Edmond so you can come with me. Once we're there we'll borrow a phone at my cousin's place to send you home."

"Ya, alright," she frowned.

"What's the matter?" Lielle fretted.

"Um, well, Edmond is over fifteen hundred miles away, almost a day of driving, and we've got some creepy people on our tail. We're unarmed, tired, we have no food or drink and no money. Also I really must powder my nose," Evie finished.

"I know. Besides, we need Ways or Google Maps for directions. We'll need to find another bank and shelter for the night-"

"I may know a place in LA." A semi-deep, male voice sounded from behind them. Lielle glanced in her rear-view mirror just as Evie cried, "Connor, you're okay!"

"I'm okay, Eve," he muttered as he rumpled his hair. His hair was tousled and his faded freckles covered in dirt and grime. He turned to face Lielle which gave her a better view of his pale blue eyes. "Thank you. I am Connor Travis, age thirteen, no military experience, as it seems we may need it. Now, if we need a map there is most likely a GPS in this car. Type in Fleet Street. It's a long deserted road that my father and I passed when I was here at age six. I'll know it when I see it."

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