Chapter 7

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Fun fact: In the HP books Ron Weasly said bloody hell only about once or twice.

Percy POV:

I stare at an overly excited Hermionie, a half asleep Ron, and a confused Harry.

"Blimey." I hear Ron mutter.

Dam, I think, dam dam dam.

"What was that Percy?" Hermionie says smiling, like Annabeth does when already knows the answer.

You know, Hermione reminds me way too much of Annabeth.

My mouth feels dry and I can't talk.

"Percy," Harry says, "what did you just do? Who where those people? How did you make them appear out of nothing? Was it that coin you used? Is it somehow magic? Who was-"

"Bloody hell!" Ron says louder. "What the heck was that!"

"Yeah Percy." Hermionie says."What was that?"

"Umm." I say stupidly. "I'd rather not say."

"Why not? Are you hiding something?"

"Why would I be hiding something?"

"Why are you answering a question with a question?"

"Why are you answering a question with a question?"

"I didn't. Did I?"

"I'm pretty sure you did. Or could I be wrong?"

"Guys," Harry says, interupting Hermionie and I, "Percy just tell us what that was. We have a right to be suspicious, you said something about starting a war."

I don't say anything. Chiron did tell me not to tell anyone anything, but they already partly know, they barely know anything, but they know enough to be suspicious.

I'm not going to say anything, but just tell them and then they'll stop asking questions, but I'm going to leave in a couple days, but what if something happens and Blackjack isn't here, he'll be here Chiron said he would, but Chiron doesn't control the world, still I'm not going to say anything, are you sure, um no, SEE, but I'm not going to say anything, but-, nope nothing is going to change my mind, fine, good.

"Whats going on in your head?" Hermione demanded.

"You really want to know?"

They all nod.

"I'm having a mental argument between myself." I say, knowing I possibly sound insane.

I walk past the three of them and head to the castle.

"Percy!" Hermionie shouts at me.

I keep walking.

Hermionie run to me and tackles me. It took me totally by surprise.

I've done enough training at Camp to know how to get somebody off of me.

I push her easily off me, and begin running to the castle.

This time, Harry and Ron block my way.

"Really guys." I whine frustrated.

"Perce," Harry says,"just tell us what that was back there, I've never seen any kind of magic like that."

"Do you guys really need to know."

"Yes." Hermionie says walking inbetween Ron and Harry.

"Sorry but not gonna tell you."

"What I want to know," Ron says,"is who that blonde girl was? She was hot."

"Ronald! Focus!"

I struggle not to glare at Ron. Its okay, he just doesn't know the most beautiful girl in the world is mine.

"Can I go now?"




"So I'm not going."

"So I see."



"GUYS!" Harry yells. "Can you stop having a war on who can talk the most!"

"Harry." Ron interups. "Its more of a war on who has the last word."


"Why is everyone yelling at Ron?" I say.

"Thank you! Everyone is bloody yelling at me! I'm not the one using the weird magic!" Ron says.

"Talking about weird magic.." Hermonie says turning her attention back on me.

"Were we? I don't remember talking about that." I say.

"Well we were!"

"I don't think so!"

"GUYS!" Both Ron and Harry yell.

"Goodbye." I say and walk past them, but Hermionie steps infront of me.

"Hermione, just drop it." I tell her. "I'm not going to tell you and that's that."

I turn away from her and begin walking into the foresst.

"Percy we can't go in there."

"Oh can't we?"

"No we can't!"

"Hermionie! Percy! Stop it!" Ron yells annoyed.

I take my pen out, uncap it and show it to them.

Their eyes widen and I keep walking into the woods.


Harry grabs my arm, and I turn and push him away and he hits a tree.

"Ow." He moans slowly getting back up, his face red.

"I'm not telling any of you anything, just stop and mind your own business."

I sprint, as fast as I can, to the castle.

"PERCY!" I hear Hermionie yell a second later.

Dang that girl screams a lot.

I hear them running after me, but I was still ahead.

I finally get to the castle and look back panting.

I see Hermionie not too far away from me away from me and I start running, again, through the castle.

I run up the moving stairs and past the talking pictures, and finally into the boys room.

Hermionie can't go in here, well she can because shes a prefect. But she wouldn't want to set a bad example in front of the other Gryffindors.

Which, by the way, give me weird looks as I run past them.

And let me tell you, I'm so glad I didn't wear my robes, because I can't even imagine running in that thing.

I race up to my room, quietly sneak in trying to not wake the few that already went to bed, and get in my bed and stuff my head under my pillow.

A few seconds later I hear someone walk in, panting.

I peak my eye out and see Ron looking at me. He shrugs nonchalantly and climbs into his bed.

Harry comes up to my and whispers,"This is from Hermionie: We'll talk about this tomorrow away from everyone: And goodnight Perce, see you tomorrrow."

Ugh tomorrow is Saturday, no school, and a whole day of facing Hermionie.


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