8. Chapter More time with Justin

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." That was all I could say. "But I have paid you anyway." I said in my defense. He looks at me almost hurt. What is the problem now?

"Do you really think so low of me?" He asked me, he turned on the music. "It was never about the money, Justin."

Fuck. This bad conscience, which I get imposed on by other people every day, makes me mad. Even though I know I just get what I seek, just like the girl a few minutes ago.

"I know that, Nick. I know that, okay? I'm sorry. I really am. But now I need your help. And I know it's a lot to ask, but can you help me to win my girl and get my old life back?" I asked him desperately. That was all I wanted, all I could think of. He was breathing heavily, looking at the floor in front of him and thought for a while.

"Please, Nick!" His eyes found mine again as he nodded, came to me and hugged me tightly.

"You need to stop with the bullshit." He muttered, as I got some brotherly blows to the back.

"I know." I mumbled back, and broke the hug to thank him. I told him that I had invited (YN) that we were in loos contact since a few days and everything else he needed to know before she comes. He listened to me attentively and acted immediately relaxed and cordial as I knew him in fact. Again I looked at the time, it was 10:04 and she wasn't there yet.

"What if she doesn't show up?" I asked more myself, but Nick could hear me.

"She will show up!" He assured me, while he helped me to stretch my legs. I was really better in shape a few month ago.

"She is never late, actually." I said, checking the time again. 10:10.



To say that I wasn't nervous would be a bloody lie. I sat in the car in front of the dance school, it was 10:10, which means I'm already 10 minutes late. Actually, I'm not too late, but I just cannot get out of the car. I'm like frozen, and when I see all of the photographer stand outside the studio, I get an unwell feeling in my stomach. Apparently Justin is already in the school, with Nick. Maybe I should just go home. My legs, even though I'm sitting, are so soft that I can't dance anyway. Just to be that close to him makes me weak and a jitterbug.

But I want to see him again. It's been so long since I've seen him. Not without reasons, he tore my heart out of my chest and then gone peddle with it. He has made me look like a miserable being in front of the whole world after our break up, by having slept with strangers women only a few days after, and didn't even try to hide it. No, he just kicked it in my face.

The first girl that has gone with it to the public, I will never forget. Her name was Nicole. She looked like a sister of Kim Kardashian. She has given up every detail. Then Justin was more cautious, he has women sign contracts that prohibit them to talk about what they experienced with Justin, Nicole said she also signed it but the money TMZ offered was to good not to take it. And so not all of the other girls have kept their mouth shut. In addition, the photos were conclusive enough. My phone then didn't stand still for a second, until I had it turned off for more than two weeks. The media, Scooters, even Justin's friends and family have all tried to call me.

Okay, I have to stop thinking about it, finally it has been six months now, and I have decided to give Justin a chance. I think at least. Everything I do at least looks much like it. Nick will be there, so we will not be alone. I can do this.

And with that in mind, I left my car. Armed with my oversized sweater and a pair of sunglasses, I was crouched in the direction to the dance studio. The paparazzi spotted me immediately, and pounced on me like on a prey. My big gym bag hung on my right shoulder, I pulled the hood of my sweater over my head, when they began to bombard me with questions. I should get myself a bodyguard anyways.

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