Prologue: How Do You Do A Murder? [3]

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Author Note:

Oh yeah. Please leave comments, I love comments.


"Could you please tell us your name and talent?" Naomi kindly asked, seeing as Prisha was busy mentally judging the person who had just walked in.

"O-oh, okay," The girl seemed really shy, but really nice at the same time. "Uh, hey. Name's Pix. U-ultimate Fashion Designer. Nice... Nice to meet you."

"Hey, what's with your spots—" Prisha was about to say something, but the sound of the door opening once again cut her off.

A guy with lavender hair walked in the Island Restaurant. He had a bandage on the side of his face.

"Oh hey, Naomi. I see you beat me to the Island Restaurant," The guy seemed like he knew Naomi.

"Well, you did stop to talk that guy while I just kept going," Naomi reminded him, before she turned to everyone else to explain how she knew this guy. "Oh, hehe... This is my brother, Ar—"

"Yo, I'm Arlen. It's nice to meet ya!" He kindly smiled, much like Naomi does. "Oh yeah, I'm the Ultimate Video Editor."

"Yet another nerd to add to the nerd pile," Prisha commented.

"We're going to have an entire club by the time the opening ceremony starts!" I pointed out.

"Stop turning my insults into non-insults!" The cyannette's cheeks puffed out a little as she yelled at me. "It's dumbing down the effectiveness of them!..."

"Uh, sorry?" I said, kinda confused as to what I should did in situations like this.

As if it happened a million times already, the door opened. But this time, there were two people who walked in the restaurant.

"Are we late?" The girl with braided hair asked, looking around seeing a lot of people in the Island Restaurant.

"No, we're still waiting on some people to find their way here," I answered.

"Okay good," The shorter girl quietly replied.

"Anyways," The brunette sounded extremely cheerful and excited to introduce herself. "Hello! I'm Hana Mei~San, nice to met you! I'm the Ultimate Stone Skipper!"

"...I guess my name is Suki," The shorter girl who came in with Hana sighed. "I'm the Ultimate Sign Language Interpreter..."

"How the heck are you the Ultimate Stone Skipper?!!" As expected, Prisha yelled her question at Hana.

"Oh, you know. I got so good at skipping rocks across the lake I was titled an Ultimate." She explained, though Prisha didn't like her answer.

"Why would anyone waste their time declaring someone the Ultimate Stone Skipper?" Prisha uttered. "I'm just wasting oxygen just talking about it."

"Huh?!!" Hana's cheerful expression quickly faded. "You don't really mean that, right?..."

"No. I mean every word." Prisha fluffed out her ponytails. "Your talent is so pathetic, it was probably given to you out of pity."

"I have to use the restroom..." Hana covered her face and bolted to the bathroom in Island Restaurant.

"You bitch!" Nash yelled at Prisha. "What did she ever do you?!..."

"She existed," She smiled. "And targets as easy as her don't come around very often. I simply couldn't pass up such a golden opportunity."

"My mum used to say that if can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all," I kindly told Prisha, not wanting to be rude.

"Whatever, Saoirse," She rolled her eyes at me.

"Did I interrupt something?..." Someone with sea foam colored hair politely asked as they walked through the door.

"No, you're good," Arlen answered.

"Could you tell us your name and talent, please?" The streamer asked kindly.

"Sure..." They seemed a bit annoyed, though that could just be a resting expression. "Hi... I'm Amari. I'm the Ultimate Endocrinologist. That's it, I suppose..."

"What's a Endocrinologist?" I asked, having never heard the word before today.

"It's someone who deals hormones, right?" Naomi questioned Amari.

"Yeah... That's the basic explanation of my talent." They answered, before going to sit alone at a table close to the door.

Suddenly, a red liquid started seeping through the bottom of the door. A puddle started to form in the dinner.

"Holy shit, someone's dead!" Nash screamed.

"D-Dead?!!..." Pix panicked.

I stepped closer, and closer to the red liquid. I wondered if it was really blood or not.

"S-Saoirse!..." Prisha yelled at me, before following me. "Don't think I would let you witness a murder without me there to tell you how stupid you look, afterwards!"

"So you want to open the door and see what's going on together?" I said, summing up what I thought Prisha was meaning to say.

"Uhh, sure..." She said, waiting for me to open the door.

As I open the door, my mind was stained with a moment of my life I would never forget. The intense chills I got from what I had saw, would probably never go away. 


Author Note:


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