Prologue: How Do You Do A Murder? [1]

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Author Note:

I just want to clarify that not all the OCs used are mine, and ManekiNekowo, kaifaitew, and theoddishnarwhal deserve credit for leading me their OCs so I could kill them in brutal and creative ways. 

Sorry if the Prologue is boring. Once Chapter 1 is out it will probably be better.


 "Please, take your time. This decision will change your entire life. Think carefully about what's more important to you," She whispered  maliciously in my ear. "Your life, or someone else's."

Much, much earlier...

I woke up with the sun shining directly in my face from a window. I pulled my hand up to my face to cover it, as I slowly stepped out of the bed I was sleeping in.

That's weird. I don't remember falling asleep. I also don't remember when I got to this... Beach house?

From the same window the sunshine came through I saw waves rolling on the surface of some a clean, bright beach. I also noticed some palm trees outside as well.

Think, me. What was I doing yesterday?

I thought as hard as I possibly could, yet nothing came to mind. I decided to look around this beach house I was in for clues.

The floors were meant to look like they were real wood, but in reality they were just lament floors. The walls were a bland shade of grey, as if they were designed to be boring on purpose.

From what I could tell, I had woken up in a bedroom. The sheets of the bed were a soft orange colour, and the pillows had orange and white polka dots on them. Across from the bed was a standing dresser. There was also a full sized mirror in the corner of the room.

I glanced in the mirror, out of pure curiosity. I looked the same as I did when I left home for the Interactive Ultimate Program, or the IUP for short. My short red hair and purple eyes seemed unchanged.

So, it probably hasn't been too long since I left home for the Interactive Ultimate Program.

The Interactive Ultimate Program was created for the sake of getting Ultimates, people who are really good at a certain thing to the point where they're the absolute best at it, more involved in society and use their talents to better the world.

Though, I think I heard that the program was supposed to be more like a school, and not a beach. That brings me back to wondering what I'm doing here...

After I stepped out of the bedroom I had woken up in, I noticed a second room of the small beach house. I decided to explore the second room for clues.

In this second room was a small run down laptop. There was a piece of tape on the back of it with my name on it. There was a a purple envelope beside the laptop, that also said my name on it.

I decided to open the letter in hopes of refreshing my memory, and finding out where I am. I would also like to know why I'm at a beach.

   Dear Miss Saoirse Byrne,

We are thankful to have you in our program. Due to your service, we've provided you with something to occupy your needs as an Ultimate, in case you are found bored during your stay with us.

We ask that you navigate your way to the building titled "Island Restaurant". The other 15 in our program have been given the same instructions. Once all 16 of you are present the welcoming ceremony will start.

I noticed how the letter wasn't signed. I guess I'll never know who wrote it.

I should probably head to this "Island Restaurant" place. I hope it's not as boring as the name makes it seem.

After a few minutes of me wandering around this island, which closely resembled a vacation resort, I found the meeting place. The sign actually said Island Restaurant. Not to degrade anyone else's work, but that name isn't very creative.

I decided to ignore the poor choice of name for now. I pushed the wooden door open to get inside and meet all the others who I'm be around me for the next few months.

To my surprise there was only one other person there. A girl with light cyan hair was messing with her pig tails, seeming very bored waiting on other people to show up for the ceremony.

She had a navy blue bow atop her head, which made her seem a little taller than she actually was. She wore a black coat with a light grey hood, over a white button up shirts that was only a bit visible, due to her coat.

"Finally, I'm not alone," She sounded a mix of relieved and annoyed, as if she had been waiting for awhile for someone else to show up. "You're here for the Interactive Ultimate Program, yeah?" She questioned me, wanting to get her facts right before telling me her name.

"Yeah, I am," I answered her. For a spilt second she almost seemed excited to meet me.

"Okay," She looked me in the eye, and pushed her glasses up. Her red eyes seemed to have a malicious intent as she prepared to introduce herself. "What's up? I'm Prisha and I'm the Ultimate Algendonicist. Haha, you probably don't know what that means, do you?"

I shook my head to show that I was extremely confused by Prisha's talent.

"I study pleasure and pain." She said bluntly. "I'm, uh, looking for volunteers for an experiment of mine, so..." She cut herself off, not want to continue with the rest of her sentence. "Hehe... Nevermind..."

Prisha seemed a little unfamiliar with talking to people. I guess that's something we have in common. She seemed like she was going to be a great friend during our stay wherever we are.

I realized that this was my first time meeting another Ultimate. This was a special moment for me. I'm going to have to treasure it forever.

"Hey. Name's Saoirse. Ultimate Graphic Designer." I said without putting much thought into my introduction.

I was a little unsure of how to introduce myself to another Ultimate. Prisha didn't seem too empresses with my introduction. I decided to take my mums advice from before I left home.

"My mum says I should introduce myself to others by mentioning things that I like so... Uhmm..." I quickly thought of some things that I liked. "I like knives and cute girls."

"Okay, you're kinda weird, Saoirse." The Algendonicist told me. "First off, you've got pretty girly name for a boy. And what's with your talent? It's so... nerdy."

"Well," I was a little scared to correct Prisha, but my confidence managed to push through. "I am a girl."

"What?!!!..." The cyan haired girl was surprised, and confused. "But your hair! It's short like a boy's hair!..."

"Yeah. I think it looks better short." I admitted. Prisha crossed her arms, and turned her head to the side.

"Well, your talent is still nerdy," She told me with a little sass, trying to make herself seem better than me.

"That's fine," I said not really waiting to argue with someone I just met. "I enjoy it so who cares if it's 'nerdy'."

Prisha was about to say something else, but the sound of the restaurants door opening got her attention.

"Introduction, now!" The cyannette demanded of the person who had just entered Island Restaurant.


Author Note:

OC Donors (that's what I'm going to call the people who lent me an OC) tell if I screwed up your character. I'll fix in Chapter 1. 

Also, thank you for reading the first part of the Prologue. Only four more parts to go...

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