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Hope fell down on the floor, face first. She felt another sharp pain on her forehead. "IS MY FOREHEAD REALLY THAT BIG SO IT GETS HIT ABOUT FOUR TIMES IN A DAY? WHAT IS THIS?" Hope shouted frustrated. She looked up and saw four people staring at her, Hope soon realized two of those people were Avis and Liv.

"Hope! Are you okay?" Liv said going to help her up.

"What the hell is going on here? And who are you two?" Hope asked looking towards the two boys. The two boys looked at each other, when Avis came up behind them. 

"These two are the ones I chased after, they told me to stay here and then brought you and Liv here," Avis said, bringing her fists up. "I'm suspecting that they want to fight, come at me then!" 

The two boys looked at her, confused. "We don't want to fight you." Avis looked confused. "Then why the hell are we here?" Right as Avis said that, banging was at the door. They all looked over. Liv went towards the door before one of them shouted.

"Stop! Whatever you do don't go near that door." One of them said. Liv looked over. "Why? I don't want to be here anyway, you guys are literal creeps." Right as she was about to open one of the doors one of the boys grabbed her.

"I told you, don't open the door." He said. His eyes looked fierce which caused her to back away. "What the hell is your problem? Who are you?" The whole room went silent as the door started banging louder. Liv felt shivers down her spine, by the boys serious looks and the banging on the door, something was up.

"Is this a murder plan?" Avis asked, her fists still up. The boys both did SHH to her. She did a frown and looked over at Hope. Who was at the window. "Hope...?"

"W-What the hell is that." Hope stuttered, terrified. Liv turned over and looked. "What's what?" Hope gulped. "P-People..Eating...People."  Liv's eyes widened, Avis laughed. "What?" They both ran over to where Hope was and looked out the window. And what Hope said was an exact description, it was humans, eating, humans. 

Liv fell to the ground and covered her mouth as she was about to get sick, Avis just watched what was going on down below. 

"Does any of you two want to explain to me, what the hell is going on here? ! Why there is people being eaten out there, why we are hiding here, practically waiting to be food as well?!" Hope shouted towards the two boys, expecting a full answer.

"Look, we don't know either. But as soon as we saw what happened, we ran." The boy said. Avis laughed.

"This is some sick joke, I'm out of here." Avis said, "Cmon guys, we're leaving, it's probably someone outside trying to scare us." Avis walked towards the door. Liv and Hope watched as she went towards the door, they were frozen from the sight they had seen, they couldn't do anything.

Avis went towards the door and grabbed the door handle where the knock was coming from.

"NO!" The two boys shouted. Avis had slowly turned the door handle. One of the boys tried to run over and stop it, but it was too late. She had already turned the door handle. And there stood, a person, but they didn't look normal whatsoever, and that's because they only had one eye, and one arm, and a big hole in their chest.

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