Chapter 3

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I tense, the pain unbearable as a healer gently dabs my back with a medicine soaked cloth. Dimitri and I have been traveling for days. We've been lucky enough to find a village on our way to the docks, and my father left us enough money to buy provisions and pay for a doctor. We found one just in time. Sweat and grime began infecting my back so heavily, I was afraid the skin would begin to rot.

"Who on Earth could have done something so gruesome to such a delicate young woman?"

Bitter tears brim my eyes, forcing me to drop my head in my arms as sobs wrack my body. It's hell knowing that everyone in the village is dead or enslaved now because of me. I led the beast directly to the village. And my father paid the ultimate price.

I hear her shuffling around before she presses salve into my wound.

"You should consider yourself lucky to be a refugee. I feel for the ones that the beast empire has enslaved."

I flinch when I feel the sharp tip of a needle pushing through my skin as she stitches the wound closed.

"Lots of travelers have come through here and told stories of the lives of slaves in that kingdom. The rumors claim the beast king despises humans. They captured him during the very first uprising and disfigured him terribly when he was just the prince. Rumors claim he goes through ten slaves a day, most of them dying by his hand."

Her words do little to help my mood, but it does give me solace knowing my father is more than likely dead rather than enslaved.

"The beast king is cruel. He does unspeakable things to slaves. And for him to consistently go through them, it makes me wonder if we've even made a difference in this war."

I think of the beast's words as he addressed the village.

"The kingdom is in need of more slaves."

If one beast can do what he did to a village full of humans, it's no wonder the palace is in constant supply of slaves. And it sheds light on our lack of footing in this war.

The healer releases a bitter sigh, pulling my attention.

"There is no comparison, humans versus beasts. They are much stronger. Our 'king' is nothing more than a fool who has been brainwashed by his forefathers to think we are great. He has had a losing battle passed to him and now fights this belligerent war out of sheer pride. We are humans. They are beasts. That is all."

"But surely you don't think we should just submit to living under their thumb?"

She shrugs, chuckling aloud.

"You say that as if we have a choice in the matter. This isn't a war. It's a nuisance. And I pray I never see the day the beast king joins the battlefield. He will make us pay for annoying his way of life."

The healer uses a blade to cut the stitching and wraps the now closed wound with a fresh cloth.

"There. All set. I wouldn't stay here too long. The people here don't care for refugees. They've chosen their side in this war and it isn't to sympathize with the lot of you."

I lift from the table, pulling what's left of my shirt over my head.

"Thank you," I say softly.

Dimitri is waiting for me as I exit the hut, a worried expression on his face.

"How are you feeling?"

I give him a sad smile.

"Much better. So what's the plan now?"

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