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For the past week I was visiting my dad almost everyday. Today Jimin wanted to accompany me. I was a bit nervous. I didn't want my dad asking too much questions about our relationship. Because to be honest I think he'd figure out we are married.


I slowly entered his room. "Y/n! Come in," my dad said with a smile. He looked so much happier. And healthier. I held Jimin's hand and led him into the room. "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Jimin," I introduced. He did a bow. "Pleasure to meet you Jimin," my dad said. "The pleasure is all mine sir," he shook his hand. Such a gentleman he was.

We talked a bit. My dad mostly talked to Jimin. "So you both know Jungkook?" My dad asked. "Yes he's a good friend of ours," I replied. Damn Jungkook really be part of this family now man.

"Y/n, can you go get me some water?" My dad asked. "Sure," I replied. I was nervous since I was leaving Jimin with my dad.

Jimin POV

I gazed at Y/n as she left the room. "You know she really likes you," her dad spoke. "I've never seen her look at anyone with such love," he added. Love! "She really loves you Jimin, and I think you both are great together, you're a good guy Jimin, take care of her," he said. "I will, always," I replied.



After a few days, I was at home. I got a phone call from my mom. "Hey mom what's up?" I asked. "What! Are you sure?!" I asked. "Yes Y/n, he covered everything," she said.

I was in complete shock. Why would he do that?! I could've done it myself! I raced upstairs to where he was. Quickly finding him in the bathroom brushing his teeth. I was so mad he paid all that money. But when I laid eyes on him now, all my fury slipped away. Just but the sight of him calmed my soul. He noticed me staring at him. "You ok there sweetheart?" He chuckled. I gave a light smile and back hugged him gently. "Thank you," I squeezed him tightly. I knew that he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Anytime love," he spun around and swooped me over his shoulder. "Jimin!" I shrieked with laughter.


After a few weeks I was back at work. "But if your dad is all better what are you doing married to Jimin still?" Jungkook asked. I swear my life is like a tv drama to him. "Because the contract was for a year, so I have to be married to him for the remaining months," I said. "Oooo," he slowly nodded. "Don't you have work to do?" I asked since he was sitting in my office for about an hour now. "Not really," he leaned back on the chair. I chuckled.


The day slowly progressed. Jungkook eventually left my office, but today I had an odd visitor. "Y/n?" I looked up to see Jimin's father! "Oh, h-hi, Mr.Park," I gave a light smile. "Jimin is at a meeting right now, but you-" he cut me off. "I actually came to see you," he replied. "Oh o-ok then please have a seat," I motioned him to sit down.

"I don't know if Jimin told you, but I want him to collaborate with a very successful company," he said. "And I know he won't listen to me, so maybe you can try to persuade him. This company can raise all our sales," he said. I can't believe him. He's so shallow. Coming to your son's girlfriend to ask her to pursuance him into doing something that he already said no to.

Seduced by Park Jimin •JM•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu