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The smell of smoke clogged my nose as I awoke from my slumber. It took a few seconds for my sleep addled brain to realise the extent of the danger I was in.
The fire was spreading rapidly, it's heat now nearly singeing me, as I took in a too shallow breath,the lack of air making it difficult to breathe.
And it would most probably be my last one too.
With this thought swirling in my mind I gave into the cold arms of darkness.


"She lives no more. The entire left wing of the manor has been burnt to the ground with her room being the centre of it all."

"Good riddance. Finally the wench will no longer stand a hurdle in my path."

Flicking a finger to dismiss the man cloaked in a cape clearly contrasting to his wealth, the lady of the manor turned towards the vanity.
Holding the essence of euphorbiaceae upto her eyes, she waited until tears flew freely down her cheeks. After all, it was time to play the devastated mother, wasn't it?


Hey everyone. It's Lucy again but this time it's a historical fiction in the making. Tighten your seatbelts for it will be quite an emotional ride.
P.S: Please vote and comment. And check out the other story I am working on- Shadows.

Also though its based in 18th century, England, I have taken creative liberty in order to move the plot ahead and make it a tad bit interesting (hopefully).

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Euphorbiaceae- It's a plant which causes irritation to the eye causing tears.

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