Shit Shit Shitttttttt!Not again!

I have to go love you guys write me in the lunch brake!


Mama Spider 🕷

Of course Маленький паук!


What happened to don't be oblivious!

Everything else but Arrow!

Shut up!


Peter was swinging his way to school when a message from some new number showed in his phone.Peter stoped swinging and checked the message!

New  Number!

No school today!You are going in a mission!



Who's this?

What do you mean no school!School is my life!

New Number


I am Fury...I said I will contact you when I took your number!

Now come to the Avengers tower!Don't
forget to wear your best suit!


Yes sir!


Peter changed his course and headed home to take his best suit with him.He opened the closet and took the bullet proof one.

"Hey Fuzzy guess what!"-Peter told to his AI while he wore his suit.

"Yea boss tell me!"-The AI said with an excited tone.

"I am going on a mission!Do you thing the Avengers will be there?"-Peter said and took his phone.






Yes kid!

Tell me.


I  just got accepted to do something I was waiting for so long and I really needed to tell you first!

Cheer with me!

Cheers 🥂 !


Well cheers 🥂 kid!

What is it?


That's a secret!


For example?


Voluntary work..!

He he he ...Not really just call it that!


Voluntary work???

Don't you have school!Kid isn't this your first period?


Mr.Smart don't worry Mr.Pirate will handle that for me!

He once told me that when ever I would be doing the "voluntary work" he would cover up for me...It's awesome!



Is he a terrorist or something?!


No no !You got me wrong!

We help people.You know in different ways.Its more like a job for me...


Okay I still don't like this job!

Kid be careful!

Now go!


Thanks Mr.Smart!

Bye! 👋🏻


Peter shut his phone down and putted it in a secret pocket he had in his bullet proof suit.

"Let's go Fuzzy!We have a mission!"-Peter said and his mask appeared in his face.

"Lets have fun Peter!"-Fuzzy said and narrowed Peters way.

By the time he swing by the tower he landed in their roof top.


In the other hand Tony was in the meeting rooms with Fury and the Avengers.Some bored to death and some sleeping because it was really early for this!

"What are we waiting for!"-Quicksilver or Pietro said super sleepy and really bored.

"A new member!"-Fury said and sat in his comfy chair.

"A new what?"-Tony said and shut his phone.

"A new member.You won't know his identity though.He personally asked it as a contract condition!"-Fury said.

"Nick Fury made a contract and accepted someone conditions?This is turning to be fun.I want to meet this guy!"-Clint said waking up from the table.

"Who is the new member.Do we know him?"-Nat said and stoped sharpening her knife.

At the moment Spiderman came through the open window and landed in his feet.-"Hey guys!I hope i am not late.Traffic is super heave outside!"-He said and everyone was shocked and staring at him.

"You brought at kid!"-Tony half yelled to Nick.


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