chapter six: last *saturday* night

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Music was blaring, lights were flashing, bubbles were blowing, and people were most definitely mind-blowingly drunk.

In short, it was a Rachel Berry House Party.

Kurt sat by the piano, sipping from his red solo cup with a blank look in his eyes. He observed the sea of people swarming the dance floor, and his eyes fell first on the immediate damage—a weeping Santana clinging to Brittany, who was rubbing comforting circles into her back as she screamed, "I love you and you're so blonde and awesome and so smart and I just love you so much, ugh! Kiss me!" before they went back to kissing and grinding. A less frightening sight was Sam and Mercedes slow dancing and drunkenly tripping over each other's feet, laughing. Puck was wearing Lauren's glasses and was spinning Artie and his wheelchair in circles, who had a giggling Sugar Motta in his lap. Then Lauren pushed his head and they promptly started to wrestle each other. A ways away from Kurt, Joe strummed his guitar while Quinn shyly smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Sitting on the edge of the stage, Rachel was shrieking hysterically in laughter into Finn's shoulder who just held her and kissed her and grinned into the crowd like there was nothing better in the world. Meanwhile, back on the sofas, Tina and Mike were jumping up and down together to the pulse of the music. Finally, his eyes settled on a tipsy someone pushing through the mob, and immediately recognized the thick curls, triangle eyebrows, and iconic bowtie.

It was his very own Blaine Anderson.

Kurt perked up and waved in his direction. Maybe this night won't be so boring after all.

"Hey, Kurt!" he yelled over the music, stumbling over. Kurt caught him, laughing a little. How long had he been there that he was drunk already?

"Hey! How'd your 'hot date' go?" Kurt mimicked Santana's voice with air quotes, trying to sound as unbothered by it as possible.

"Oh, my date blew," he yelled back, even though they were right next to each other, shaking his head vigorously. A blush rose to his cheeks before continuing. "What I meant is that'll be the the last time I go out with Sebastian! Pretty sure all he wanted to do was get me in bed." A little of his drink spilled, bringing Kurt back to reality, who couldn't help the giddy feeling in his chest. He bit back a smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, this is way betterrr," Blaine slurred, knocking back another shot before grabbing Kurt's hand. "Wanna dance?"

"Um, yeah, sure!" He let himself be dragged into the throng of people. Brittany was now cartwheeling and falling on her face repeatedly while Santana helped her up and watched in amusement over her drink, Mike and Tina had started making out, Puck and Lauren were cuddling (though they would no doubt deny it the next day), and Finn and Rachel were swaying on the dance floor.

Blaine spun himself into Kurt's arms, where he caught him in surprise, laughing, before Blaine took his hand and spun him around too. They joined their arms together and swung themselves around in a circle until they both got dizzy, then Blaine guided Kurt backwards into a dip with a little giggle. They continued like that for a while, dancing sillily, occasionally stepping on each other's feet, and accepting a couple of shots from Sam, Rachel, and Mercedes, getting increasingly more drunk until a slow song came on. 

Out of nowhere, Kurt felt Blaine's arms around his waist, and giggled slightly, stumbling forward to clutch his shoulders and sway with him. He was suddenly aware of how good Blaine's conditioner smelled, inhaling the lovely coconut scent as he pulled him closer—noticing the color of his curls, the crinkles around his enchantingly beautiful eyes when he smiled, his perfectly pink lips, his breath warm against his neck. Their wild, silly dancing had been pushed aside in favor of this warm, inviting tenderness. Kurt's blurry eyes focused on his dance partner, his breath hitching in his throat at the way Blaine looked at him with such intensity. A flutter rose in his chest, and this time he didn't bother to fight it. He could feel his heart skip a beat as the boy drew nearer, everything starting to spin around them. And then, all at once, Blaine's lips were on his—gentle at first, but messy—and time seemed just as frozen as Kurt was. Kurt drew in a sharp breath, fingers tracing the back of Blaine's neck, wanting him closer, the warmth of the kiss washing over him. Blaine gripped Kurt's waist with one hand and slowly tangled the other in his hair. After a couple of seconds, Kurt pulled away, breathless and wide-eyed. It had been a quick kiss, but it had felt like forever.

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