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The black guard bound Ettie's hands, but not roughly like Polina did. She could easily loosen the ropes and run, but what would happen to her friends if she did? The way the guard was leading her on as well - there wasn't any venom in his hands. He was just a guard who was using her as a shield from Alistair's wrath. Ettie knew Alistair would do anything for her, and she knew Alistair would eventually hurt the guard. If only she could warn him that when she undid her ropes, Alistair and Adelaide should be prepared to run.

The guard continued to lead Ettie on, eventually getting closer to a door. Ettie got anxious. Going through that door was like going through to the unknown - who knows what could have been behind it.

The guard unlocked the door with a four number pin and lead Ettie through. She looked behind her, and was relieved when her trusty bodyguard and her best friend were behind her, though their faces were anxious.

The door opened and a bright burst of light hit Ettie. She closed her eyes, squinting to see she was walking into the sunset. The guard seemed annoyed, and squinted his eyes as well. He muttered under his breath, which tickled Ettie's neck. She decided that this was the time to make a run for it. She wriggled her hands free and ran before the guard could calculate what she was doing.

Ettie made sure to run towards the setting sun, so that the guard couldn't see her. There was an angry shout from behind her, but Ettie continued to run, the wind wiping her matted hair from her face. Her name was called and she stopped, panting heavily and breathing in the air that compared to the room she was stuck in was fresh and light. Looking around, she could see Alistair and the guard fighting and Adelaide running towards her. Behind them was a low building that sprawled on the grass. Ettie also noticed a line of large trees to her left. She made a run for their cover, and soon enough Adelaide and Alistair were by her side.

'We lost him, but we need to hide.' Alistair growled, quickly overtaking the girls and running forward. Ettie was tired and felt as if she was running a marathon at the speed of a sprint. The branches underfoot crunched and she was sure she ran into more than one spiderweb. Tree roots threatened to bring Ettie to the ground.

Up ahead, Alistair was almost gliding, treading almost silently over leaves and branches. There was a loud crunch and Alistair skidded to a stop. Ettie stopped running and fell to the dry hard ground. When she looked up, The black guard was towering above them. A feeling of sinking fear erupted in her. Alistair was on his feet within seconds and Ettie and Adelaide were spectators of another fight.

'Why do you want Ettie?' Alistair shot a surge of force onto the guard, but he just gave as much.

'I can't say.' The guard growled back.

'Listen,' Alistair grabbed the guard by his shirt, holding a hand in a position he can easily punch the guard with. 'I am here to protect Ettie, no matter what. You are not going to stand between me and Ettie's safety.' Alistair punched the guard in the eye, everything going silent after that. Everyone stood still and the guard lay on the blanket of leaves. He got up weakly and stood right in front of Alistair.

'I know what your role is perfectly well. But have you ever though of giving me a chance to talk before punching your only way of getting out of the mess you're in?'

Alistair clenched his fists and Ettie was scared the fight might begin again. Instead the guard returned the punch to Alistair.

'May I now explain myself?'

Alistair recoiled and was ready to solve the matter with violence, but Ettie rushed to his side.

'Leave it. Let him explain.' She hissed. The guard gave a sincere smile and sat on the ground. The others sat down as well, though Alistair was alert.

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