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A silent door opened and two people walked in carrying trays of food. Alistair recognised them instantly and tensed.

'How is our little princess doing?' Blair sneered, untangling the ropes holding Ettie in place. Polina walked over to Alistair and did the same. He prepared to lash out, but Polina caught his hand in mid swing.

'Don't try that again.' She hissed through barred teeth. Alistair looked her over, in his mind thinking of an escape plan.

The trays were left in the middle of the room. The unappetising smell of thin soup wafted in the air. Ettie walked over to Adelaide and undid her ropes. It seemed that no one was surprised that Polina and Blair were there.

The three took a tray each and stared at it.

'Is it poison?' Ettie asked and the other shrugged. Alistair tried a spoonful of soup and instantly felt the urge to spit it out.

'This is worse than the mashed carrots they served at school!' Adelaide complained, before he room was silent and everyone was eating their food. The silence was awkward and thick, like an invisible balloon blowing up and ready to pop.

Adelaide popped the bubble with her question, 'What did Polina mean about a 'princess'?'

'Nothing.' Alistair and Ettie said in unison, giving the ultimate hint of something suspicious. Adelaide raised an eyebrow, unimpressed at the curt reply.

Before she could ask anything else that could put Ettie's identity in jeopardy, Alistair spoke quietly, 'We need to get out of here.'

The three huddled up in a circle.

'How though?' Ettie whispered.

'Through the door. Duh.' Adelaide rolled her eyes.

'I guess that's the only way.' Alistair said, and got up to inspect the room for any other openings or cameras. All was clear. He put his ear up to the door and listened. Everything was quiet on the other side.

'Step back.' He ordered, guiding Ettie and Adelaide out of the way. He stretched his stiff muscles and with one mighty kick the door was down. A loud boom echoed outside.

'That felt so good.' Alistair whispered. Outside, the corridor as white with lime green lights shining from above. The floor was a grey tile, and luckily there was no body around. Alistair let the girls through the first corridor. There were two others very soon. Eventually, it felt more like a maze than anything else.

'I take it back, a maze isn't easier to get out of than a school!' Ettie whispered out of no where. Both Adelaide and Alistair put their fingers to the lips. Alistair resisted the urge to scold Ettie.

Out of no where, Ettie gave off a muffled squeak. Alistair whirled around and charged towards the black-clad person, just like the one who attacked him earlier. The shadow of a person swerved, thrashing Ettie with him.

'Stay back, otherwise the princess gets hurt.' He hissed and put a tighter grip on Ettie's throat. Her eyes were round, large and scared. Alistair felt his heart tear in two. He knew that either way Ettie would get hurt. Adelaide walked forward, 'Don't you dare do anything to my friend.' But Alistair held a strong hand in her way.

'Do as he says.'

'Some friend you are. We need to help her.'

'No we don't.' Alistair hissed. 'Just stay back.'

Adelaide rolled her eyes but stayed put. The black dressed person let Ettie through one of the corridors with her hands behind her back. Alistair would just have to trust that Ettie, his princess, and his dear friend, wouldn't get hurt. 

The Princess ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now