Wario Has Sex With You At Six Flags Magic Mountain (18+) (Male Reader)

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Six Flags, 11:50 A.M.

Your Pov

I decided to hang out with Wario. We had been friends for over six years, after we met in college. We're pretty close, but we're about to get even closer.

We were at Six Flags, in California when Wario announced that he needed to go to the restroom, i just nodded and sat down on  a nearby bench.

I expected him to come back in a minute or so, but it took him ten minutes. After he finally arrived, i asked him about it.

"Sorry, sometimes i just have trouble shaking my willie dry." Wario said, ashamed at the trouble he has shaking his willie dry.

"why do you have trouble with it?" I asked, curios.

"When i was 8 years old, my mommy shaked my peepee dry, causing my pee to splash in my face..." Wario Answered.

"Hey Wario, i'll help you next time you need to pee!" I said, trying to help him feel better.

He beamed, "Really you will Y/N! Oh thank you thank you thank you!!! You won't regret this, i assure you!"

I chuckled and we kept going through the park.

1:23 P.M.

Your Pov

Wario had to pee, so i went with him. I helped him shake his peepee dry, when i noticed he got erect!

"W-Wario i... I didn't know you liked me l-like th-t-this..." I said flustered.

Without a word, Wario lifted me, and placed me on his erect cock. So there i was, Wario's cock in my ass, and Wario's gloved hand stroking my cock.

It didn't take long before he came in my ass, but i wasn't finished yet.

When i finally did finish... My cum splashed in his face. Causing his PTSD to kick in, he screamed in fear, remembering the time his piss splashed in his face...


Wario X reader (any gender) OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ