Wario Stops A School Shooting (High School Wario x Any Gender Reader)

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Greg G. Greggor Academic High School, 6:55 A.M.

The school day had just started, you and Wario began to head to your first period class after a tasty school breakfast. You guys always ate breakfast together as you have been great friends since the beginning of your high school lives. Your first period class was English because both of you spoke English.

English was easily one of the worst classes the both of you had ever experienced, the only positive thing about English was the fact that both of you had to go trudge through it at the same time, excitedly awaiting your 2nd period class, Chemistry.

Your English teacher was stereotypical English teacher, her name was Mrs. Bognolturbin, she had a very short temper and was 87 years old. She also hated children, which made you and a lot of other students question why she was even teaching in the first place. The main thing to know about her is that she beat the shit out of her kids because she hates kids, and she has heart problems and beats students with bags of cash she got from her days of granny prostitution.

Sometimes you and Wario would mess with her by placing old, brown bananas onto her chair, causing a big old stain on the bottom of her pants. You stopped doing this when Donkey Kong began eating the brown bananas.

Another interesting thing about your English class was this one student, Erikur Swonsogong III, he always wore a black hoodie, and was constantly out of luck when it came to women.

He was an avid 4chan user, and would constantly complain about the social hierarchy of highschool. He also regularly dug in his nose, and he would do one of four things, eat the booger, put the booger under his desk (one desk had to be pressure washed due to a mountain of boogers from Erikur Swonsogong III), save it for later, or of course, force the booger into his dickhole.

Erikur may have been a complete loser, especially after the booger-dick thing came out, but he had one thing most students didn't have. A firearm.

A big scary firearm that he could do lots of dangerous things with.

Wario may not have had a firearm, but he had heart and some big burly man arms. So Wario never really saw Erikur as a threat. Neither did you, or Waluigi (another good friend of yours.)

However, on this particular day, something had snapped for Erikur, and he brought his firearm to school.

English Class at Greg G. Greggor Academic High School, 7:00 A.M.

You and Wario took your seats, as Mrs. Bognolturbin began calling roll.

"Y/N?????? Is that whore here????" Mrs. Bognolturbin asked.

"Yeah" you responded to Mrs. Bognolturbin knowing that arguing wouldn't accomplish anything.

Wario however, didn't take too kindly to that. Wario got up, and punched the snot out of Mrs. Bognolturbin's dumbass little 10 year old great grandson she brought to school for some reason.

This ended up making Mrs. Bognolturbin very happy, so Wario punched her forehead incredibly hard, so hard that she forgot it happened.

"Why did you commit a form of physical assault on a 10 year old and a rude, unprofessional teacher?" You asked Wario.

"You worry too much about the law, she was being rude, so she deserved to be taught the error of her ways, y'know?" Wario answered your question with a statement and a tad bit of a question.

"I guess I know, thanks Wario." You replied, showing your appreciation for Wario sticking up for you in a relaxed way.

Once Mrs. Bognolturbin got back up, the class reminded her to continue roll, so she continued.

"Erikur? Is Erikur Swonsogong III here today???" Mrs. Bognolturbin asked the class.

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