Wario buys you a smoothie at Cedar Point (Wario x Fem Reader)

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Your best buddy Wario invited you to go to Cedar Point as he had just turned 17. (young Wario but still just as sexy as old wario) You almost declined because the rides were scary, but you agreed after he was visibly upset.

However, after he went on the scariest ride, you couldn't find him. You searched at all of his favorite rides! The drop tower, go kart races, even the mini golf, but still there was no sign of him anywhere...

You sat alone at the food court. Without your phone, you couldn't call him, so it was hopeless. You started crying, not a single soul caring for you.

Wario's POV

I haven't seen Y/N anywhere. I went on the coolest ride, the one that just goes in circles for 5 minutes, and now I cant find her. after I searched for a while, I hit up the food court, I was hungry. Then I saw her, she was crying, so I went to cheer her up.

Your POV

I was crying when I felt a pat on my shoulder, I look up... It's Wario! Relief fills my body, as I wrap my arms around his very built body. He hugs me back. I told him that I was heartbroken while he was gone, and he apologized as he searched everywhere for me too. He then offered to buy me a smoothie, I accepted.

He bought me and him a mango smoothie, my favorite. We sat down on the grass, making us feel more connected to the world. We drank our smoothies while talking, having a great time. It's funny, we went to Cedar Point for the fun rides, but left with an overall, better understanding of each other. That's why I love hanging out with Wario, we always have a great time!


Wario X reader (any gender) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now