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--Clarkes POV--

We stood there for a while I was completely lost in her forest eyes. I so desperately wanted to walk closer but before I could I quickly sat down and grabbed my plate before I did something that would probably get me killed.

"Uh... So umm why don't you rate each clan on how dangerous they are like on a scale from 1 to 10" Lexa looks at me with a confused look that is just adorable "like 10 being very dangerous and 1 being very peaceful?" Shit why the hell am I so nervous.

"Azgeda 10 trikru really depends if it is war time or not floukru 1..." Lexa rates all the clans but I could only focus on the fact that azgeda is a 10. It terrifies me I hope I don't accidentally end up there. We end up talking for hours even subjects that arnt related to my people or hers we just talked about life. Some I ended up saying something about my ex boyfriend Finn who got himself floated because he got way more drunk then the legal limit and he had just turned 18. I'm still a bit upset about it because I got him killed I broke up with him and he got drunk.

"I lost someone special to me too Clarke her name was costia. She was captured by the ice Nation whos queen believed she new my secrets because she was mine.  She tortured her, killed her, cut off her head." Lexa says with a small amount of pain in her voice. Ok wait she's gay what are you doing Clarke she just told you her girlfriend was tortured and killed and you think omg she's gay. I quietly say sorry. She continues "I thought I'd never get over it the pain I blamed myself for it. But in time I did.  I recognised the it for what it was... Weakness."

"What is love? " She nods "so you just stop caring about everyone" She nods again. "Well your wrong... Love is not weakness it is strength. You love your people you obviously want peace for your people. That is love it shows strength. greed is weakness." She looks at me with a stoic look covering all her emotion but I see it in her eyes she is surprised and in pain. Not many probably have shown their disagreement with something she has said. She quickly stand and speaks

"It is late Clarke you have training in the morning. I will try to be there. Sleep well Clarke." She leaves striding out the door. Shit what did I do. I get in bed and slowly fade to sleep after going over mine and lexas conversation.

A/N: sorry it's kinda short I will try to write during my lunch break tomorrow. 😅 I totally wasn't watching every Lexa scene while writing this  have a good week.

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