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--Clarke's POV--

I'm in Lexa tent we were discussing some ideas on how to take down the mountain but nothing seems to work. I'm currently laying on the couch and Lexa on her bed. I'm about to say something but a scout comes with a message.

"Heda" He bows his head

"Speak" Lexa says in a stern tone

"Two of Clarke's people have returned from the mountain an-" I Inturupt

"Wait who?"

"Octavia and the one with the tek. " I look at Lexa with a worried look on my face.

"Is there anything else artigas?"

"Just that they want to see Clarke in Tondc immediately Heda"

"Send for our fastest horses we leave now. " Artigas bows and leaves. Lexa goes to her bed and starts packing things I got to leave to grab my thing from my tent but I'm stopped but Lexa she looks at me for a moment and then speaks.

"They might not be in the best shape we should always expect the worst. " I nod and walk to my tent with my guard following. I gather my things and go to the horses. (A/N I don't remember if Clarke's riden a horse so let's say she hasnt ok? Ok oh and I know nothing about how to ride a horse so don't come at me)

Lexa already there putting her things on the horse. I'm a bit nervous because I have never riden a horse but here we go. I'm about to get onto my horse but before I do I'm stopped by Lexa.

"You have never riden a horse before have you? " She says an a slightly softer tone then usual.

"Oh uh.... No not once in my life." I say scratching the back of my neck

"I'll help." She explains to me how to get on I do as instructed but then I lose my balance and fall I close my eye ready to fall into the mug but I never hit the ground. I open my eyes and I see Lexa her lips twitch upwards a bit and it make me smile a little. I stand up and try again this time I didn't fall Lexa looks at me with a small smile and gets onto her horse. We travel as fast as we can to Tondc.

We enter Tondc its very dark and nobody is awake. Lexa hops off her horse I'm still on mine having no idea how to get down. She looks at me with a small smile and walks my way. She instructs me how to get down and I do but when I am about to touch the ground my foot gets stuck on the door holder thingy. Again Lexa catches me bit this time we stand there for a minute. What the fuck are you doing Clarke just stand up!!

"Um... We should uh... Probably find Raven and Octavia." Lexa nods and helps me stand. We make our way to their tent. When we get to the tent I run in with out announcing. I run to hug them they are both half asleep on the bed.

"Oh my god guy are you alright? What happened?"

"Oh hey princess can we talk first thing in the morning we are like dead here?" Raven says

"Uh..." I'm interrupted but Lexa

"Yes of course we will make our way to your tent in the morning with food I am sure you are both up for a good meal." She says in her commander tone. They nod and we walk out of the tent.

I'm about to go to where my tent used to be then I remember we brought it with us to the alpha station crash cite.

"Um uh Lexa where are we going to sleep both of our tents are at the ark?"

"Tondc has a tent set up for my for when I make surprise visit though they arnt often. We can stay there for tonight" I nod and she starts walking I follow. Omg and I going to have to share a bed with her again tonight omg. Ok you need to stop this Clarke. We make it to the tent and she enters it holding the flaps open for me. I walk in and I see that it is smaller. I look around and see there is no couch this time just a bed, table with some chairs and a mock thrown.

"We will have to share the bad again tonight. Are you alright with that?" Lexa says in a soft tone.

"Oh yeah perfectly fine." She smiles a little and take takes her armor off. I take my jacket off and put it on the table. I walk over to the bed and get under the furs. Lexa finishes taking her armor and warpaint off and gets into the bed. The same thing happens again to night I can't sleep but this time it's for a different reason it's like I can't sleep without Lexa holding me or me holding her. Lexa has her back turned to me and In that moment I do the unthinkable I roll over close to her and wrap my arm around her making her the little spoon. She presses closer to me and I bury my head into her neck.

--Lexas POV--

I get into the bed knowing I will probably have issues sleeping like I did the night before. I stare at the walls of the tent trying to get to sleep when Clarke moves her arms around me hugging me from behind. I snuggle closer to her and she burns her head into my neck giving me goosebumps. An hour later I still can't sleep with the commanders in my brain screaming at me for this. I try to tone them out and finally it successfully works. I roll over making Clarke and I face eachother. I can't help but stare at her beauty I melt into her arms pulling her closer.

A/N: haha I stop it there that was adorable but this chapter was kinda boring I kinda didn't know what to write you writers block is a bitch. do you think Clarke is awake? Who will wake first? Will Lexa regrat this moment and push Clarke away? I literally have know idea literally. What do you think k will happen with octaven how long will it take for them to tell each other how they feel? And OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH WE ARE ALMOST AT 1000 READ AND I HIT #1 ON OCTAVEN LIKE HOW?!?!!? THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS REAL ❤🥺❤🥺❤🥺❤😭❤❤❤😭😭😭😭

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