Chapter 13

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The day Emily came back to school, she was escorted to the school in a police car.

"Why do I need this? I swear, it was just a club! Geez, we were just playing. Nobody got hurt..." she whined.

Allison rolled her eyes and sighed next to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." Then she smacked her forehead. "Ugh, I can't lie to you, Pristine. It's so hard," she whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, when Emily first started the club in fifth grade, I was her bestie. I had nothing to do with it, I swear! But Emily got caught once, and blamed it on me. I almost got thrown in jail until the lie detector test. We never have gotten along ever since."

We walked into Ms. Caverns room, and I patted her on the back symphetically.

"Sit down, class while I take roll call. Okay. Allison?"

"Here." Allison called. Ms. Caverns smiled.


"Here." he answered. Ms. Caverns nodded.


"Here." she replied. Ms. Caverns nodded again.


"Present!" Georgie exclaimed as he scurried into the room. Ms. Caverns glared at him and marked him tardy.


"Here." I replied. Ms. Caverns smiled.

At the end of the list, Ms. Caverns called out "Emily Turbin?"

"Not here." Emily yelled back.

Ms. Caverns glared at her and marked her tardy, too. Emily smirked.

"Okay, class! Today we will be taking a field trip to the oceanfront to learn about the rock layers there. Line up in alphabetical order."

We quickly grabbed our lunches and lined up.

"We will be on somebody's property. They have graciously granted us permission to stay for 5 hours. Please be as quiet as you can and stay together. I have picked partners for everyone."

Allison and I were partners. Georgie and Emily were partners, too. Emily mumbled something not very nice.

"Okay. We will be on the bus for 45 minutes, so get comfy!" Ms. Caverns added.

Allison and I scrambled onto the bus and sat in the front seat, excited.

"Where do you think we'll be going? L.A? San Francisco?" Allison asked.

I shrugged.


"Okay, class! We've arrived. Please step off of the bus quietly!" Ms. Caverns called.

"Hey pristine? Isn't that you're dad's house?" Allison asked.

I nodded as Mellie walked out to the front.

"Lindsey Caverns! How are you? Is this your class?" Mellie asked Ms. Caverns.

"Oh, I'm fine. Class, this is Ms. Riggins. She'll be our guide, and she owns this home." Ms. Caverns announced.

"Hello, Ms. Riggins!" we choursed back.

"Okay, everyone! So, out back I have a motor boat set up for you all and life jackets. I will lead the tour around the San Fransisco Bay, which is around 30 minutes away on this," Mellie explained.

"Now, you are able to talk among yourself, but-"

"Hey, aren't you Pristine's nanny?" a sniedly voice called out.

Mellie looked at Emily. "Why, yes I am, sweetie. Is that a problem?" she asked.

Everyone laughed, and Emily turned two shades redder.


"We are now passing by a school of fish. Does anyone know what kind?" Mellie asked.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Pristine?"


"Does anyone know why they're called that?" Ms. Caverns asked.

Five hands shot up, including Allison's and Emily's.

"Yes, Emily?"

"They're called bluegills because they have blue gills," Emily answered.

"Hey, look! A heron!" Sarah cried.

I looked to my right and saw the beautiful creature take flight with a fish in its mouth.

"Cool!" Robert called.

Emily rolled her eyes and whispered something to Georgie, who smirked and wiggled in his seat.

All of the sudden, I was thrown off the boat as it jerked to a stop!

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