Chapter 12

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Allison handed me the tabloid and we read the headlines together.


There was a picture of me, smiling sweetly below.

Allison laughed. I turned to page 2 and read the article.

"Well everyone, here's the article you've been waiting for! Now, we see Pristine's view on this topic.

When asked if she or Emily had a chance, Pristine answered yes. In fact, at one point she and Emily were even friends!

As Emily declared Pristine hangs out with garbage, Prisitine replied "I hang out with Allison Bermone, the daughter of a multi-millionare, not garbage."

When asked if Pristine had anything to hold against Emily, Pristine said:

"Why, yes. I do. Emily holds an illegal smoking club in her attic everyday."

The young teen then promptly presented pictures taken by an 'anonamous friend.'

On further inspection by the police, they found Pristine's claim to be true.

"I was asked to join, but I refused. I may be pretty, but I don't lack in common sense."

Emily will be spending a month in juvinile detention, but other members that were under 18 a week to be served.

So, has Emily met her match? Will she back down? Let's see next week from the dungeon!"

With that, Allison began to roar with laughter.

"Is-is she really in jubie?" Allison asked between laughs.

I nodded. "She started yesterday. I was there when she got arrested. My word was for how long her sentence was. Sarah, the college student and Nicole the high schooler in 11th grade had quit, so they didn't get in trouble. Everyone else did."

Allison laughed harder, and I smirked.

"Mom says that I was really good. We even went out for KFC and watched 'Attack of the Zombie Cheerleaders, Part IX."

"How many parts are there in that movie?" Allison asked.

"Five. Now, let's see if Jamie wins Chris over, or if they both become zombies."

My mom played Jamie.


"Hey, Pristine, Allison," Mellie whispered. "Wakey, wakey!"

We woke up to bright sunlight sreaming in through the bay window downstairs.

"Mellie?" I mumbled.

"Yes, it's me. Now, both os you get dressed. We have to go to Angelina's house for the dress."

I jumped up and ran upstairs, Allison behind me.


"Okay, now... turn!" Angelina exclained.

We were at her studio, and she was pinning the dress where it needed to be altered or hemmed.

I gasped once I had turned. The dress was breathtaking, with its shiny, ombre fabric and mermaid style. The straps were only slightly off the shoulder, and lacey. The bottom was slightly ruffled.

"Wow, Angie," Mellie said softly. "You've really outdone yourself this time."

"Nonsense!" Angelina declared. "This dress will be ready first thing tommorow. Come at 4:30 p.m to retrive it, washed and ready."

"Thank you!" Mellie and I called as we left.

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