The leaky cauldron

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The twins were still in shock, only 7 hours ago they had left their family and gone with this strange giant. They were currently in a train sat side by side, with the giant taking up 2 seats and knitting what seemed to be a giant tent. The twins decided to go through their letters, when a sudden thought came through their head, they looked at each other in utmost sadness. Um, Hagird Raven started. We have no money finished. Hagrid looked at the twins in slight sympathy, but replied with a slight chuckle. Did you not think your parents wouldn' leave you anything? They looked at Hagrid in disbelief and then at each other with their emerald green eyes reflecting hope, Harry put an arm over Raven's shoulder drawing her in for a side hug.

See lil' sis, we'll be fine. We have each other and we will be able to leave for Hogwarts in September. In a month we'll be on our way to a magic school, we will meet people just like us and we'll be away from the Dursley's. Harry said to Raven but dropped his voice as he said the next part. Which means they can't hurt you, and don't pretend they don't because I know they do hurt you. Raven started tearing up as she knew she could no longer hide it. She started whispering apologises as she managed to keep the tears at bay. They clung to each other for the rest of the journey as they had reached a new level of trust and knew their love for one another would just continue to bloom. Hagrid watched them with a small smile, glad that they had each other.

They soon reached London where they the twins looked around in curiosity. Hagrid parted the crowd with his giant form and the twins hurried behind him as he took long quick strides, that seemed filled with purpose. They soon reached a less crowded part of London, where Hagrid directed them to a pub that muggles walked past like it wasn't even there, they hadn't even seen it until Hagrid pointed it out to them. Almost like it was cloaked by magic.

Hagrid ushered the twins into the building. Hagrid greeted the bartender with a cheery All righ' Tom? Business booming as ever? The bartender, known apparently as Tom looked up with a seemingly genuine smile. Ah Hagrid, yes! The usual I presume. Completely overlooking the two kids stood next to the giant. But Hagrid laughed and placed a huge hand on each of the twins shoulders as the held hands tightly and shrunk back into Hagrid. Afraid I can't, I'm here on very important business. Tom looked down at the kids with slight surprise as if he had never seen them before he did a double-take. Blimey! He shouted, this drew the attention of everyone in the pub as a stunned silence made up the atmosphere. It can't be! Harry Potter and Raven Potter!! In my pub? What an honour this is. He scrambled forward to meet the twins and shake their hands, and as he did he looked at the lightning bolts etched on both of their wrists.

*Authors note* I know Harry originally has a scar on his forehead but I thought I would shaken it up a bit and have another similarity between the twins. Also, the night Lily and James died the rest of the wizarding world found out about Raven so she is just as famous as Harry. Also in the comments tell me where you would like the twins placed. I can't decide on whether they both get placed in Gryffindor or both in Slytherin or Harry in Gryffindor and Raven in Slytherin. Leave your suggestion and I'll try to take your opinion into account.

*Resume story*

Immediately people started rushing out of their chairs to greet the twins. The twins held hands as they stood together, their other hand held out to shake everyone's hand. Some people coming up more than once. After 5 minutes and everyone had shaken their hands, Hagrid let out a loud sudden laugh. He placed his hand on Harry and Ravens shoulder. Right, well we better be off, lots to do. Lots to buy.

Harry and Raven stumbled out of the pub with Hagrid's hand both weighing them down and guiding them. They were shocked out of how famous they were and the attention they just gained.

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