Raven Potter(age 5):

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Raven Potter was the name of the sleeping girl. She wore Dudley's old clothes that were way to big for her. She was so thin you could wrap one hand around her waist and you could see her bones. Her skin was a deathly pale colour with tints of yellow because of how little sun and food she had gotten. Her hair that was once a silky, smooth jet black is now a greasy, tangled grey mess. Her beautiful emerald eyes that once held a blinding spark is now a dull and broken green. She wore no shoes on her scarred feet. In fact all of her body was covered in cuts,scars and welts from her punishments. Punishments caused by her own Uncle...

A quiet alarm sounded in the basement where the girl slept and her eyes snapped open. You could see the orbs looked lifeless. She looked at the alarm clock and snapped her hand on top to make sure not to wake her 'family' and she looked at the time. It showed '5:30am'. The time she waked up at nearly every day. She ran up the stairs and saw that a chore list had been placed at the top from where her Uncle had left the basement the night before. There was so many things to do, but she was used to it.
The list read:
Wash up the dishes
Dry the dishes
Clean the floors
Dust the house
Clean all the bedrooms
Wash the clothes
Hover the house
Clean the bathroom
Set out clothes for Dudley
Iron Vernon's best tie and socks
Make the breakfast
Wash those dishes
Dry the dishes
Fold the clothes
Clean the basement of blood
Otherwise their will be punishment!

Raven quickly stood up and started on her jobs. She didn't want anymore punishments.

At exactly 6 o'clock she heard her Uncle's heavy footsteps so she scrubbed faster at the small amount of blood left. She did finished just as the basement door opened so with lightning speed she put away the cleaning equipment. As her Uncle stepped into the room his face went purple with rage but his eyes held a spark of delight as he looked over her shoulder. She turned around slowly and her eyes widened with fear. She had missed some blood on the wall. She gulped as she started to turn around only to be met with a punch to the face...

Authors note:
Sorry guys for the long delay and I can't thank you enough for the encouragement you have given me. However the delay is long as I love reading other authors amazing stories and encourage you all to do so as well.

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