Lily and James Potter's death:

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One year and 3 months after the twins birth:

The twins were in the living room of the potter's Godric Hallow house and James Potter was making little puffs of coloured smoke come out the end of his wand in different sizes, whilst Lily just watched from her seat with a smile. Soon Lily saw it start to get darker and checked the clock,"Oh my Merlin!" It was past 8pm, the twins bedtime. "James love, it time for the children to go to bed, it is way past their bedtime." James pouted and signed heavily but nodded his head in agreement."Ok Lily flower." He turned to his children " Goodnight my beautiful Angel and handsome Prince!" The twins giggled at their father and Lily just shook her head at her husband's antics nut that was quickly wiped of her face at the next sound.

The front door was suddenly knocked on and Lily collected the children and took them to the nursery for the twins to sleep. James thought the knock belonged to Sirius Black so went to answer the door wandless. Lily was on,y half way up the stairs when she saw who it was at the door. James stood still in front of the stair case protecting his family but left with no wand now meant James had no way of protecting himself or his family. James was killed by the figure as soon as James for in the figures way so the last thing James saw was a blinding green light but his ,at thought was "I love you Lily Potter, Harry Potter and Raven Potter. I just hope I did enough to protect you all."

Lily had seen the light flash out onto the upstairs hallway and have a strangled sob as she thought of her now dead husband and lover.She looked down at the little bundles of joy she held and promised herself she would do anthing to help them stay alive and healthy. She carefully put the twins in a cot and kneeled down. She was crying but she still said "Mummy and Daddy love you both so much. Harry try your best to protect your little sister please. You are both loved so much. Goodbye my sweet darling children. Mummy and Daddy will always be with you in your heart, no matter what."

At that moment the door blasted open and Lily stood protectively in front of her children. Voldemort spoke two words that ruined what was left of the twins childhood "AVADA KEDAVRA!!"Lily fell to the flor with a thump and with her last breath she said "I love you two." The twins started to cry as they started to realise that severity of the situation. Voldemort turned to the twins with an evil smile that was creepy in a way. "How wrong were they to think two little children would be capable of killing me? The most powerful wizard of the century! AVADA KEDAVRA!" The blinding green spell flew towards the twins and a almost invisible shield raised in front of the twins but it was strongest were the twins was holding hands. The spell rebounded and flew back at Voldemort. Voldemort's body disappeared but his soul split in three and two pieces of the three pieces latched itself on to Harry and Raven threw the lighting bolts on the twins wrists. The last piece fled from the house to Albania.

An our later Snape ran into the room and saw Lily and cried over her before leaving. 5 minutes later Hagrid walked into the room with tears running down his face that looked like it was going to drown. He gave a huge sob at the sight of Lily's body then looked to the cribs and saw that one was born apart whilst the other held two crying children. He walked over to the children and said "Oh, you poor souls. Lost your parents at such a young age. I'm sorry Harry and Raven that you have to live with the those muggles. I hope that you look after each other, you need each other more than anything now." The twins just stared at Hagrid with curiosity. Hagrid then gently picked them both up in one hand and walked down the stairs and took the twins to their new 'home'.

Little did Harry and Raven know was that the next 10 years if their lives was going to be pure hell, especially for Raven......

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