We're a what?

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The next day a letter each had come through the post instead being addressed to the smallest bedroom. Harry, Dudley and Uncle Vernon fought for it but Uncle Vernon ended up winning and telling Harry and Raven to go to their bedroom and Dudley to just go. Later that night Harry told Raven his plan to go to the corner and get the letters from the mailman on the corner before it arrived through the door.

When it was close to dawn Harry was getting ready to go and Raven looked at him worried. Be careful Harry, don't make too much noise. Harry looked at his sister with a reassuring smile. Don't worry sis, I'll be back soon. She nodded and hugged him tight before he left the room. She waited on the bed fidgeting with her hands hoping all went well.

Harry stealthily tiptoed down the stairs, taking extreme care on the creaky step at the bottom of the stairs. He stepped forwards 3 times before he stepped on something squishy that made a loud yell. The light turned on and Harry's face turned white. There was his purple-faced Uncle in a navy blue sleeping bag, obviously to prevent Harry from doing what he was doing.

Uncle Vernon took a deep shaky breath and he had a slightly raised voice when he talked to Harry. Go get me a coffee now! Harry gulped and nodded muttering y-yes sir. Harry went and made him a coffee and just as he came back into 2 letters each fell straight into Uncle Vernon's lap. Raven didn't come downstairs until Aunt Petunia came to wake them up and luckily she wasn't part of the blame of what Harry did. Uncle Vernon stayed home that day to nail shut the mail slot.

Everyday more and more letters found its way into the house.The next day 4,letters each squeezed its way through the sides of the front door. The day after that the very confused milkman handed Aunt Petunia 2 dozen letters crammed in 2 egg boxes. Nobody had been unable to leave the house because all the windows and doors and cracks had been nailed shut. Vernon looked ill by the time Sunday came round but he looked happier than he had all week.

Harry and Raven were giving the Dursley family biscuits and serving tea. Vernon started speaking Today's a good day, do you know why Dudley? Dudley looked at his farther with confusion and shrugged so Harry and Raven looked at each other and rolled their eyes before saying in union. Because there is no post on Sunday. Uncle Vernon looked at them and smiled and spoke in a joyful tone. Right you two are! No post on Sundays, no ruddy post toda- Their Uncle was cut off by something whizzing past his head.

Everyone heard a deep rumbling coming from the fireplace. All of a sudden letters started shooting into the living room  rapidly. The Dudley's cowered down some whilst Harry stood on the table trying to catch a letter. Raven looked at her brother and crouched down pretending to be hiding whilst secretly picking up 2 letters, one addressed to her and the other addressed to her brother. She quickly hid them in her oversized hand me down shirt kept in by tucking them in her trouser band, and looked around to make sure no one had seen.

She saw her Uncle stand up in a rage and pick up Harry just as Harry had managed to catch a letter,and toss him into the hallway ripping the letter out of his hand, the rest of the Dursely's followed close behind Uncle Vernon so Raven followed beh...

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She saw her Uncle stand up in a rage and pick up Harry just as Harry had managed to catch a letter,and toss him into the hallway ripping the letter out of his hand, the rest of the Dursely's followed close behind Uncle Vernon so Raven followed behind them. Uncle Vernon slammed the kitchen door shut as soon as she was out. Uncle Vernon was in rage. He shouted Go get essentials only and be back in 5 minutes! Everyone scurried off to their room, scared of Uncle Vernon's anger.

Up in their room Raven quietly spoke to her brother. Harry, I got us something. I managed to pick up a letter each during the chaos. Harry looked at his sister with shocked eyes and a happy smile. He pulled her into a tight hug telling her You're an absolute star!, she then took them out and put them into their shared bag with a wink. The quickly shoved some clothes on top.

10 minutes later they were in the car with a shocked Dudley. He had tried to pack his TV in his duffel bag and his father had hit him. He was sniffling and just staring ahead blankly. Harry was sat next to the window and Raven squished in between the two boys, practically sitting on Harry's lap. Everyone was quiet.They eventually made it to a hotel that looked slightly runned down.

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia took the master bed and Dudley got his own bed in the twin bedroom whilst the twins had to share a bed. That night the twins stayed up waiting for everyone to sleep. Around midnight, it appeared that everyone was in a deep sleep. Raven as she was the lightest, walked quietly to hers and Harrys bag. She took the letters out of the bag, moving slowly. She brought them back to the window sill she and her brother was sat looking at the view from. They looked at each other with anticipation.

They opened them together. They looked at each other with a big goofy smiles before they started to read the letters. They finished reading at the same time and their mouths were open wide, They looked at each other blankly. We're a what??? They spoke together. They discussed it and decided it was all a big joke.

They went to bed that night with their head spinning and in disbelief. The next morning the whole family woke up and had cold tomatoes and stale cornflakes for breakfast. There was a knock at the door and someone opened the door. Excuse me? Is there a Mr H.Potter or Ms R.Potter? It's just there is about 50 each letters addressed to them at the desk. She held a letter each with their names and underneath it said 'Room 17, Railview Hotel. Cokesworth'. The twins looked at each other and nodded., together they jumped up and tried to get the letters. But Uncle Vernon intercepted them and grumbled We'll take them. The assistant stared before shaking his head and going to get the letters.

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