The birth and suprises

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Raven lily Potter was a mystery to everyone once they knew her.When Lily and James Potter died leaving Harry James Potter an Orphan, they also left Raven Lily Potter one as well. No one except for Lily and James most trusted friends knew about their daughter as Lily was meant to only be a having one child, Harry, not two. It was a pleasant surprise though for Lily to have a daughter as well and she knew her daughter would be a Daddy's girl, like her son would be a mummy's boy. When Harry and Raven was born only three people apart from medi-witches was in that room, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter himself. As soon as a baby boy was born Lily thought it was over until she felt the pains again and one of the medi-witches did a scan on her. Oh my Merlin! It was twins! Everyone gasped and James shouted Boy or girl?! The medi- witch told him to be quiet and to wait 10 minutes for the baby to be born to know.

Exactly 10 minutes later a cry was heard very close to Lily. The other child had been born and everyone was excited to see what gender the unknown twin was. As soon as the child was out of Lily's womb, James  moved from his seat next to Lily to the end of the bed to see their other child. Once he saw the child though he thought the his new born daughter looked like the most beautiful angel on Earth and Heaven alike. Once both twins were cleaned they were brought over to their parents. The girl going to her father and the boy going to his mother, James asked Lily What should we name them, Lils? Lily looked at the boy for a minute then said How about Harry James Potter, after his father and his Grandad? You decide our little princesses name, love. James smiled as he gazed at Harry "That is a lovely name" he then paused and looked at his little angel How about Raven Lily Potter? After her mother? And Raven because Ravens are one of the most precious and beautiful birds known to the wizarding world. Lily gazed at her husband in shock. He really surprised her sometimes. James decided to let Lily hold both their children.

Remus decided to add something before Lily replied. " Have you decided their godparents?" Sirius looked confused as godparents weren't anything known to the wizarding world and decided to interrupt James. "Um, Prongs,Mooney, Lily flower, what the hell are godparents?!!" Sighing, Remus looked at his friend with a bored look " How stupid can you get Padfoot? Godparents are normally a child's guardian through life but more specifically for if anything happens to the child's parents." A look of realization came across Sirius,a.k.a Padfoot, face and he face palmed. "Oh." Is all he had to say. Mooney,a.k.a Remus, shook his head and looked at Prongs,a.k.a James, expectantly." Right" James said We thought we were only having one child and we was going to make Padfoot Harrys godparent but with this change of events he looked at Lily at this I think that Padfoot should still be Harrys guardian but have Mooney as Raven's godparent. If that is all right with you alright Lily? She smiled and nodded her head . Well now that that's settl..... James started to say but was interrupted by two pairs of arms round  him, that knocked him to the floor!

He couldn't see as his glasses were knocked of his face. Ok, ok! That's enough hugs mates! Why don't you two go hold your godchildren instead?  Remus and Sirius scrambled to their feet and went of to Lily and the twins, leaving James grumbling on the floor. Lily smiled at the boys antics and asked Sirius and Remus if they would like to hold their respective godchild. They nodded their heads frantically and carefully and delicately picked up the children. James went over to his wife and put an arm around her shoulders and placed a fragile kiss to her temple as he watched his best mates with his children.

*Sirus pov:
When Lily asked if we wanted to hold our godchild I nodded my head, so hard it felt like it was going to snap from my excitement, and out the corner of my eyes I saw Remus do the same. I gingerly picked up the baby boy, now named Harry James Potter, my godson. I gazed at him and I noticed that he was looking at me as well... with Lily's bright emerald green eyes. I looked at the rest of him and saw the jet black  tufts of hair on his head already and knew his hair would probably be messier than James. It was at that moment that I realised that no matter what happened in the war, this little boy would need me. It was then that I promised myself to always protect him, no matter what.

*Remus pov:
As soon as Lily asked me and Sirus if we wanted to hold our godchild I nodded my head frantically and saw Sirius do the same thing. I carefully picked up the baby girl ,who looked like an absolute angel, that was named Raven Lily Potter. I must admit though what James said was right about her being a precious little girl. I looked her over carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail of MY godchild when I noticed her studying me with those intelligent emerald eyes of hers that looks so much like Lily's eyes... I saw her hair was as black as James though, maybe darker, if that was possible but tameable. I knew she would have me wrapped around her little finger when she was older. But I still promised myself to always protect her, even if it meant my own life....

Authors Note: This story may not be updated regularly so please don't hate me as I'm still in secondary school..... I also have a high tendancy to lose my phone..
Also,I only own Raven Lily Potter, the rest belong to J.K Rowling.

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