Chapter 16

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Jason didn't cancel the date.

He had texted her the day after their fight, apologizing for being insensitive. Liora accepted his apology. She went shopping with Katelynne for a dress that afternoon. She ended up finding a green dress that brought out her complexion and fitted her perfectly. It had straps, not sleeves, but Liora knew that she would be inside and it would be warm. The homecoming dance was always held in the gym and though the gym was drafty, it would be packed full of dancing teens. She wasn't worried about feeling cold. She felt better after Jason's apology and was looking forward to going to the dance with him. 

The week flew by. Liora found herself stalling during her reading time with Ranga, wanting to stretch out the sessions. She would miss the little boy dearly. His parents had told him that he would be going to a new program soon and wouldn't be able to keep reading with Liora in the afternoons. Liora could tell it bothered him. He wasn't quite as enthusiastic when she saw him and sometimes he looked sad. She kept encouraging him, telling him she knew he would have so much fun at his new class and make lots of new friends. He kept telling her he would miss her but Liora knew it wouldn't be for long. It would be a great opportunity for him and Liora knew it would be better for him to be spending his time after school with other kids his own age rather than reading with her. 

The evening was crisp and cool when Jason came to pick up Liora for the dance. The homecoming festivities were in full swing. Liora had gone to the homecoming football game with her brother and sister the night before. Jason and Christina had sat with them and they cheered their high school team to victory. On Saturday morning, Katelynne had woken up Liora so they could go and see the homecoming parade. Jason and Christina were both in the parade on the floats. Liora waved to them as they passed. She wasn't sure if Christina saw her but Jason gave her a big smile as he went by.

Jason came to the house and rang the doorbell. Liora went to get it but her Dad stopped her. "Let me get it. It's always a father's duty to make young men nervous when they come to take their daughter for a date." He winked at her. Liora heard him talking to Jason. It didn't sound like he was giving him too hard of a time. Finally her Dad let Jason come inside. Jason seemed awestruck when he saw Liora and a soft 'wow' escaped his lips. Liora realized this was the first time he had seen her dressed up. Her hair was pulled gently back and ringlets framed her face. Liora also never wore makeup but tonight she was wearing lipstick and mascara and eyeliner, just enough to set off her big eyes. Before they left, Liora's mom insisted they go outside and pose for pictures. The trees were aflame with fall colors, which was amplified by the setting sun. Jason wrapped his arm around Liora's waist and they both smiled. Liora knew she would treasure the photos.

They said goodbye to Liora's family and headed to Jason's SUV. Liora had grabbed a light jacket before leaving the house and she set it in the backseat. The inside of the car was warm. "Is Christina coming tonight?" Liora asked. Jason shook his head. "No. My parents think the dance is a little late for her. She can go when she's older. She's having a sleepover with some of her friends from youth group." "Okay," responded Liora, suddenly nervous. This really was going to be a date. She wasn't quite sure how to feel. Jason looked over at her and chuckled. "Your Dad gave me 'the talk' before he let me inside, told me I needed to take good care of you and bring you home on time." Liora blushed. "I'm sorry if he made you nervous." Jason laughed. "He was just being a dad, protective of his daughter. I don't blame him. You look gorgeous. But he doesn't have to worry about me. My parents taught me how to be a gentleman. You know I won't be anything but respectable. I'll bring you back safe and sound." Liora blushed and Jason winked. She did have butterflies in her stomach but still she felt comfortable with Jason, like she always did. She just hoped she enjoyed the dance.

They were one of the first ones to arrive and it wasn't too loud. They saw some of Jason's tennis teammates and went over to say hello. Then some of their mutual friends that sat with them at lunch came over to say hi. They were laughing and talking when the Dj suddenly cranked up the music and Liora gave up all hope of understanding the conversation. Jason sensed her discomfort and pulled her out on the floor to dance. Liora was enjoying dancing with Jason but as the evening progressed, it grew more crowded and loud. Liora started to feel overwhelmed. Jason looked at her somewhat panicked expression. "Do you want to go?" he shouted but Liora couldn't understand him. He led her off the dance floor and out into the hallway and away from the music. "Do you want to leave? It's getting really crowded," Jason said.

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