Chapter 15

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Liora sat hugging her knees and gazing out across the ocean. Her eyes were red, but whether that was from crying or the salt-laced spray coming off the water, she wasn't sure. Jason sat next to her on the flat rock and reached out to stroke her hair. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern. Liora shook her head. She didn't want to cry again. She felt like she had cried more this week than she ever had. "I guess it's official," she mumbled.

Jason sighed. "I guess it is. Liora, I don't want to see you so upset. I know it hurts but I think this is the best decision for both of us. Think of how much happier you will be at that new school. And I will be back before you know it. The training program is only for six months." Jason had sent in his application for the Dts after Liora had left on Saturday. He had been notified of his acceptance this morning, only a week after he first sent it in. Now there was nothing left for him to do but prepare to leave.

Liora was startled at how swiftly her life had changed. After they left the Carowskis, Katelynne had asked what was going on. Liora had told her everything, the possibility of her transferring to a new school, Jason applying for the Dts and possibly leaving soon....a possibility that was now a reality. Katelynne was sympathetic but she also thought the school at Rainridge sounded like it would be good for Liora, though she admitted that she had liked the idea of Liora and her going to the same school. Liora would be a senior when Katelynne was a freshman. It would've been nice if they could go to school together but if Liora transferred to Rainridge that wouldn't happen. 

Liora's mom was waiting up for them when they got home. She took one look at Liora's face and asked what was wrong. Liora told her mom about Rainridge and what Ms. Francesca had told her. Liora's mom was supportive, reminding her that she didn't have to make a decision yet but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. She said she would call Ms. Francesca on Monday.

Monday dealt another blow. Ranga was as excited and cheerful as ever but Kartika wore a concerned look on her face when she came in to get her son. She told Liora that Ranga would be stopping the reading sessions at the end of the month. Ranga had been accepted into an after-school cultural program for international students. It would give him a chance to meet kids from all over the world, including some from Indonesia, and learn about different countries. Rizky and Kartika had been trying to get him in the program since they arrived in the U.S. and a spot had just opened up. Kartika was sorry that they wouldn't be able to see Liora very much once they stopped the reading sessions but this was an important opportunity for her son. His English reading skills had improved to the point where he no longer needed help. At this point, he was only going because he enjoyed seeing Liora. Liora barely had time to process this news when her mom texted her. She had called Ms. Francesca and set up an appointment to tour the school and meet the principal on Wednesday. Liora would be missing school on that day and would also have to miss her time with Ranga. At this point, Liora wanted as much time with the little boy as she could get but she agreed to go.

The school was beautiful. It was a large campus surrounded by trees and there was a park nearby. Even though it was in the heart of the city, the campus was quiet and peaceful. Liora stared at the ornate building. Would she really be going to school here? Liora and her mom walked in and were met by Ms. Francesca. She seemed really happy to see Liora. She directed them to the principal's office.

Mrs. Perez was an older woman with a warm smile on her face. She was business-like and professional but also had a maternal air about her. Liora liked her immediately. She smiled when she saw them. "Welcome. Please have a seat." She gestured to the chairs in front of her desk. She looked at Liora and spoke directly to her. "We are excited that you are thinking about coming to our school, Liora. It is the top school in the state for Deaf and hard of hearing students. We are also the top school in the state for international students so you will be amongst a diverse group of her peers. In addition to comprehensive resources for students who are Deaf or hard of hearing, we also offer cultural experiences that you can't find anywhere else. We are regularly a part of the cultural festival that is held here every fall. We also offer an expansive list of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities so that you can explore your interests. Do you have any specific hobbies, Liora? We have many students here with a broad range of interests and there are a wide variety of student-led clubs and organizations. Whatever you are interested in, you could probably find a club on campus that matches those interests. Many of our Deaf and hard of hearing students end up attending Gallaudet, the nation's top college for the Deaf, but they also go to other top colleges as well. We work hard to provide our students with the best opportunities for their education."

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