chapter 9

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                            chapter 9

                        Florance POV

I'm standing there, leaning up against the huge stone wall helping Gally tie some grape vine to use as rope, he leaves to go retrieve more when chuck comes up, gets on his tippy toes to put his elbow on my shoulder and says,

"Hey," begins as he snaps then points with his thumb and pointer finger. "Come here often?" he continues. I can't help but giggle he's only 12 yet it's the funniest and cutest thing ever.

"Yeah actually, I've been trapped here for about 3 years." I respond. Gally comes up behind us, puts his elbow on the top of his head, looks down and says

"Hey." as points and snaps mimicking chuck. I try so hard not to laugh. Chuck looks up opens his mouth as if he's going to say something points his finger, turns on his heels and screams

"Hey Newt." and waves as if Newt just called (but he didn't) as he speed walks over to him. Gally puts His arm around me and I ask, "How long were you watching?"

"I never took my eyes of you considering that pile of vine we just made is right over there." He points to It

"Oh. Good call because I think you scared the klunck outta chuck." I say and he responds

"Yeah well I try." he taps my butt and we continue to tie grape vine together to replace the old that is connecting the hammocks to the large wooden building called the homestead. About 5 minutes later new Newt comes over and crosses his arms and just stares at Gally

"What?" Gally asks after about 30 seconds

"You scared the bloody life outta chuck!"Newt explodes

"I didn't do anything." he answers.

"Then why did he come over saying that you came up to him got jealous because he was talking to Florance so you made fun of him and he thought you were gonna punch kill him?"

"I didn't mean to scare the shank" Gally said innocently

"Well he might have over reacted, but still he's just a little boy. Try your best to take it easy. Okay?"

"Yeah sure." Gally says

"Hey, Florance, that Alex shank over there is looking at you like your first on his kill list." Newt whispers to me

"Yeah I know. He..... uhhhhh...... He said a few words to me yesterday." I say to Newt And gally.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Like What?" Newt and Gally say at the same time

"Because I didn't want you to freak out kill him and get banished. And Newt to answer your question, he said something about knowing who I am and what I do and that hes gonna stop me before I do any damage." I answer in my generic guy impression

"Well don't worry. alby, me? and Minho Will defiantly watch out for him." Newt says lookin me right in the eyes

"Thanks." I say and hug him

"I will beat the klunck outta that shank if he lays a single finger on you." he says with a rock hard expression.

"Thanks." I say and kiss him on the forehead. "That's it?" he asks. Newt says exactly what I was thinking.

"Well your quite a greedy one Huh?"

"No" Gally replies. "I just think I deserve a little more."

"Later." I whisper and the wink. He puts his arm around me. And Newt gets s grossed out look and walks away

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