chapter 2

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                          Gallys POV

I look down at Florence and can't help but smile.

"what?"she asks puzzled

"Its just that I'm holding the most beautiful person on the face of the earth in arms." I say smiling like a fool.

Florances POV

He actually thinks I'm the most beautiful person on the face of the earth? Awww! That's so cute and sweet. Wait! How do I respond to that? It has to be something as smooth as what he said.

"T-t-thanks." I manage to get out. Thanks? Is that really the best I can do? I feel like an idiot.

"your welcome." gally  says chuckling.

I feel my cheeks get red .

We approach the med Jack shed and he sets me down on one of the beds. "I'll go get Jeff, you stay put." gally  says and leans down and kisses my forehead. I just look at him and smile

"okay I'll try." I respond

And with that Gally walks out the door. I've never been in here before. I don't know why, I guess I just never bothered. So I just sit up and look around. I decide to obey Gally and stay on the bed. Gally returns with Jeff and Jeff tells him to have a seat.  He runs to me as soon as he sees my hands. "What happened?" Jeff asks, the look of concern rushes across his face

"well, I kinda, umm, I uhh" I begin to stutter. I'm not very GOOD with words "Gally you tell him!" I manage to spit out

"a tree beet her up." Gally says, dose he really have to word it like that

"oh okay. Florence let me see your hands." Jeff says. I pick them up and lay them in the palms of his hands. He examines them, then he turns to the other med jack and asks him to bring him then green glass jar. And he dose. He pours it on the top of my hand

"ouch ouch ouch owww!" I say gritting my teeth. It feels like a million tiny needles are going  through my hand.

"What is that it's hurting her!" Gally screams jumping up out of his seat

"it's just disinfectant liquid for type 543 wounds." Jeff says backing up as Gally gets closer.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean ya shank!?" gally exclaims throwing his arms up

"calm down honey it's boo juice." I say. Questioning my own description of the liquid. He sits back down and crosses his legs. The burning and pain stopped and it feels a lot better now.WAIT. Honey? I never called him anything like before, I thought about it but I don't know how he would react.

Gallys POV

honey? She never called me anything like that before. DANG IT! I wanted to be the first one to bring up the whole pet name thing! I wanted to call her baby at least 50 times but didn't because I had no clue if she wanted to take it to that level.  Oh well, I will have to be first one to kiss her next time. She even kissed me first. The first time we kissed, Which was about 12 minutes ago.

Florances POV

After Jeff puts some petroleum jelly on my hands, he looks up and says,

"well, I got good News and bad news. Which do you wanna hear first?"

"good." Gally says at the same time I say "bad."

"why do you wanna hear the bad news first?" Gally asks.

"Because," I begin " if we get depressed we won't be as upset as long if we hear good news right after." I say

"fine, it's your hands do what she wants." he says to me and Jeff.

"Okay well the bad news is I will have to wrap your whole entire right hand and you will not be able to use it at all for at least two weeks you can't get it very wet either.the good news is, Your left hand only needs to have your knuckles wrapped, and will be fully functional. Your isn't  broken. I know, more bad news then good, but it could be worse." Jeff says and starts to wrap my hands and walks towards the exit where gally is sitting.

"hey tell your girlfriend to stop insulting trees." Jeff says to Gally

"Good that." Gally says then Jeff bends down and talks more softly and I can't hear him, which makes me curios.

Gallys POV

Jeff leans down and whispers

"Florance was hot mess before you got here about 6 month's ago. She was either really nice and happy or mean and depressed. It was either laughing or crying, most of the time crying. But then you got here and it's like you lit up her world, she really loves you man, and she's really happy with you, I ain't seen her cry once sense you got here, I hope you love her to cause she can do some serious damage when she's mad, as you can see." what? she's been so happen except when I said that really mean stuff to her early, that I will never say to her again. And I do really love her. I just don't know if it's to soon to tell her or not.

"Thanks man I'll keep that in mind." I say. "Well I guess I'll leave you to alone." he says in his regular tone. Then he walks out the door. 

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