chapter 4

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                        Chapter 4

                      Florance POV

I wake up at Sun rise, Gallys hand still intertwined with mine. Then, realize that we get our "gifts" sent up through the box, along with a New greenie today, oh joy. 

"Galley, baby wake up" I say softly. His eyes flutter open.

"Hey beautiful" he says smiling with his deep, sexy morning voice.

"How's your hand?" he asks

"Which one?" I reply

"Your right one slinthead." he says with a  playful smirk.

"Oh. Ya know I forgot I even hurt my hands because the first thing I saw was you, your presence can beat any pain that is humanly possible to accure." I say looking deep into is gorgeous green eyes. I'm getting good at this whole smooth talking thing.

"I lo- I really like you a lot Florance." he says. Was he about to say he loves me? I wish he would have. Then I would know for sure. 

Gallys POV

I almost told her I love her and I don't know if she's ready to hear it or not. I'm such an idiot I should of taken the chance and hoped for the best I mean hey, that's all you can do right? The sounds of grinding medal release me from my thoughts. The BOX.

Florance POV

The box is coming up I guess we should go check it out. I stand up and Gally follows. We make our way over and squeeze to the front. I peer over the side of the BOX like I often do when there's a delivery. We hear a loud beep and it opens. I look down to see a boy with short blond hair, hazel eyes, a blue long sleeve t-shirt, and gray cargo pants

Tucked in to a pair of black calf high combat boots. He is just standing there. Then alby orders gally and Newt to help him out but he only grabs newts hands, so gally wonders back to my side and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Alright. This is how it's gonna work. I'm your leader, your the peasants, peasants listen to leaders. Now-" his voice booms across the glade. Ugh! I can't stand this  kid. Who does he think he is. I can't take it. I have to cut him off.

"Hey! I don't know who you think you are but we already have a plan and leader around here it's working pretty well. so just calm your klunck, slim it, take your place as the greenie and do what your told." I say with a lot of sass

"okay who are you ya slut?" he says with an awful facial expression. What did he just call me? That's it. I raise my fist but gally beets me too it. He grabs the New kids shirt by the color and pulls him close to His face and off the ground a little bit because he is about my height maybe a little shorter.

"Look shank. Nobody should talk to a lady like that. Especially one who is tryna save your sorry little butt. She's tellin you the rules not tellin you off. So why don't you shut you shuck mouth and back. Off. " Gally says dropping him as he says so. And the green bean stumbles backwords and stares at Gally In complete and total terror. Gally really dose love me. Awwwe.  He's honestly to cute!

"Y-you don't sc-scare me." he says

In a shaky voice that he tries to hide but fails. "I-I ain't afraid of y-you" he continues.

"Really? Cause You should be. How bout I make you scared?" gally says grabbing his shirt and raising a fist.

"Gally!" Newt yells across the glade In a nonchalant tone as he walks towards us, his limp more noticeable then normal  "You know the rule, never harm another glader. He may be new, but he's one of US now." he says. Gally drops him and gets really close to the greenies face and says

"never mess with Florance  or call her names again. Got It shuckface?" he says and walks away without waiting for a response.  I'm frozen. I snap to senses and try to catch up with Gally.

Galley POV

I can't believe that shank! He has the nerve to call Florance a slut when she was only trying to help. She was about to punch him with her RIGHT HAND! Is she out of her shuck mind?! Jeff said it could effect her hand for ever if she tried to pick up something to heavy with it, that alone punch some shank in the face! Florance runs up behind me.

"Thanks for standing up for me." she says.

"No problem. I lo..... Care about you a lot. And it's the least I could do sense you have a shuck hand that's all my fault. I feel really, really bad." I say looking to the ground. That's it I got to tell her I love her at the right time before I blurt it our in the middle of a sentence.

Florances POV

He did it again! He almost said he loves me. If he don't tell me soon I'm gonna do it my self.  I know he won't like that. He thinks it's his fault because of my hands? Its not. he is so stupid he can't blame himself for this.

"Gally baby it's not your fault. I need to learn to control my temper." I say fixing his hair. We find a spot near the woods and sit. 

"No. Its my fault I made you mad and you didn't know what to do and you so resorted to punching the nearest object. I shucked up your hand.  Its my fault . I did It. I'm sorry"  he says putting his head in his hands. Oh my gosh I didn't know he blamed himself for this that much. I don't even blame him.

"Gally. Don't blame your self. When ever your upset so am I. So your hurting me now. This is the first time you have ever hurt me. " I say softly as I rub his back.

"I know. I'm sorry. The Buzz of the the glade is getting to me. So is that new guy. I can't wait till we have the ceremony and I get to watch his head beat off the ground to get his name back." he says looking at me. "Well, why don't sneak away for a while? Hide out in the woods. Get away from all these shanks." I imply with a certain look on my face. He just smiles.

"What?" I ask. His smile is adorable.

"Its just so cute when you use glader words." he says. I just smile as my response.

"So do you wanna go or not. I think we could have some fun." I say doin my best best to sound tempting, but I'm made to fight not to flirt so this is tricky.

Gallys POV

What dose she mean have fun? I don't Really now but it sounds good to me.

"Sure lets go." I say jumping up and giving her a hand but once she's up she don't let go. Good move Gally. Good move. We walk to the woods. She leads the way. And we stop in the middle.

"So what did you have in mind?" I ask

"well," she begins "we could do this" she says and before I can react she puts her hands around my neck and her face crashes into mine. My eyes widen in surprise but I close them almost immediately and start to kiss back. Electricity flows through my body. We kiss for a good 2 minutes but have to stop because we are both smiling like fools. But that's best kind of kiss right?

"Florance, I've been meaning to tell you something" I begin. Well this is it. I'm takin a chance "we've only known each other for about 6 months. But I knew you were perfect the moment I layed eyes on you. But it wasn't till about a 2 weeks ago I realized that you make this place we are forced to call home so much brighter and you've made me a better man. And well, I think that, uhh I uh... Florance I love you." I say with most compassion I have ever said anything with.  I'm just mad I studdered at the end.

Florance POV

Awwwww he really does love me. He even got nervous at the end and paused and mumbled and stuttered and oh my gosh that is the cutest thing ever!

"I love you too Gally. Forever and always." I say wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Yeah. Forever and always." he agrees as he puts his arms around my waist and kisses my head.

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