chapter one

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                         Florance POV

I peered over the edge of the box trying to catch a glimpse of the new Greenie but was shoved to the back by our 'leader' Alby. He wasn't much of a leader; more of just a real pain in the butt if you ask me. "hey! Watch it!" I yelled angrily, absolutely dreading the fact that he assumed he was better than everyone else, especially me. He glared at me as I copied him before he turned back to the box and ordered some people to help the poor shank out.

I noticed that my shoelace came in tied so I squatted down tying it back up, this time in a double knot before climbing to my feet again. Once I was up straight I noticed the green bean standing right in front of me. He was a... Different, looking one to be completely honest. Not that I'm saying he was bad looking, just... unique. But I had to give it to him. His eyebrow game was strong. I snapped out of my eyebrow analysis and gave him a smile as he said, "Alby told me that you had to show me around".

"Of course he did. Follow me", I replied knowing that Alby was familiar with my hate for showing the new kids around, but for once I didn't really mind. This shank seemed reasonably nice. "The name's Florence by the way. How 'bout you Greenie? Got a name?" I ask as we start the tour around the Glade.

"Gally", he answered as I nodded my head and say,

"good that." as we walk.

Throughout the tour I realized that this Gally kid was actually pretty cool not to mention his body was pretty smokin' too. "So where do I sleep?" he questioned breaking me out of my thoughts. "You can sleep with me", I replied immediately as he raised one of his mighty fine eyebrows "I-I mean like y-y'know you can sleep where I s-sleep like n-near me and stuff!" He chuckled at my pathetic answer as I blushed and started walking off to where we would settle down from the night.

Gallys POV

This Florence girl is very attractive. The first thing I see here is a bunch of boys that could use a shower. And then i get sent over to her and, wow, she is beautiful. Her long light brown hair pulled into two messy braids, and bright blue eyes. she's fairly tall to, probably around 5'10 which is good, and even more attractive. I can't help but stair at her "bottom half", if you now what I mean. She is also very sarcastic and funny. She is fine from her head down to her toes.

6 months past

Florance POV

Gally and I have become very good friends. Very good. And ever since Gally became 'The Keeper of the Builders' I keep asking him if I could lend a hand since all the other jobs were unbelievably boring or just plain weird. Like seriously who actually likes killing animals?!?!? Creeps, that's who. "Pleeeeeeeeeeease", I whined, "everything else is so boooring!" Gally shook his head, his arms crossed and started to walk away, speaking strictly "No Florence".

I stared at to where if looks could kill, he'd be dead. having enough of this nonsense scream "YOU DON'T THINK I'M GOOD ENOUGH DO YOU??!?!? YOU THINK I'M WEAK AND WON'T BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING!!!!" He turned back to face me, nostrils flaring, a deadly expression devouring his features. "YOU'RE RIGHT!!! YOU ARE WEAK AND YOU'RE GOOD FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! YOU'RE TOTALLY WORTHLESS AROUND THE GLADE! ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, ALWAYS WILL BE! NOW WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO COOKING OR CLEANING OR WHATEVER YOU PATHETIC WOMEN ARE GOOD FOR!!!" he screamed raising a fist threateningly.

Complete and utter shock rushed throughout my body as I stepped backwards tripping over a rock in the process as I fell to the floor. I could see the obvious realisation hit Gally like a tidal wave as he recognised what he said to me. His expressions softened as he looked at me on the ground. I scrambled backwards as he took a step towards me. "S-stay away from m-me", I whispered, tears streaming down my face before climbing to my feet and running off into the forest. Once I reached my destination I leaned my arms against a rough barked tree attempting to catch my breath. I stood up straight just staring at the tree in front me before I started to punch it repeatedly. My breathing was once again ragged as all the anger, hurt, and vulnerability rushed through my fists and into the tree. I heard loud footsteps behind me yet continued to pound my knuckles into the poor tree suffering my wrath. I was suddenly pulled into someone's chest as I resumed my relentless sobbing. I peered up to see Gally gazing down at me, his face masked with pain, regret, and sorrow.

"I'm so sorry Florence I didn't mean absolutely anything I said. You are amazing and helpful and really really really tough. I just wanted to keep you safe. A lot of people get hurt when we build stuff and..."

"And what?" I asked growing more curious by the second. "I-I didn't want any of the other guys staring at you". I gawked up at him shocked struggling to decipher if he was telling the truth or not, before standing on my tiptoes and kissing him. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Forget fireworks, there was a shucking bomb inside my stomach. We pulled away smiling before a concerned expression flashed across his face as he noticed my bleeding knuckles, grabbing my hands gently. "Come on, let's get these patched up".

Gally insists on caring me back, but i refuse, and reply to his motion with "I have shucked up hands, not a broken leg." He moves his eyebrows in an all to  familiar motion, like he dose when he's about to start rambling on about something I probably don't care about, or he's a bout to start an argument. So I stop him before he even gets to start with the only thing known to man that will stop a teenage boy, a kiss. He try's to fight back but he gives in and puts his hands around my waist. Then, he moves his hands down underneath my butt and lifts me up his lips still on mine. "Hey!" I say giggling a little but trying to hide it "you get what you I get what I want." He says shifting my body to bridle style. He means I get a very deep kiss he gets to carry me "fine, but only because you are way too cute right now." I say playfully adding, "no matter how much of a shuck face you are." He just looks at me and smiles. We get out of the woods and about 2 minuets from the med jack shed another glader comes up and says

"hey gally, there's kind of a problem going on at the.......why is your girlfriend bleeding?" He trails off.

"because She got into a fight with a tree, guess who won?" Gally replies. This is why I love him so much, yes I said love. I do love him, I'm just waiting on him to tell me. He has an amazing sense of humor, and he cares but don't show it. Suddenly pain shoots through my hands. I take a deep breath "Oww" I mumble through my teeth as I clench my jaw and grip Gallys  huge arm that still embraces me.

"Florence what's wrong?" he says with the look of concern on his face, As he immediately returns his attention towards me.

" I don't now my knuckles just started burning, it's probably the mixture of moss, oxygen, and tree bark setting in my open wound as the bacteria is growing." I say. I've always been very good in the medical field, my mathematic skills are almost as good as my nursing skills. That's about all I can remember.

"What?" The younger glader asks with the blankest expression on his face that I've ever seen.

"There's germs in her knuckle blood you slinthead." Gally replies to the young boy who's name I never bothered to learn.  "We better get you to the med jacks." He says and he walks towards the shack, me in his big, strong, caring arms
.woahhhh this story had more reads then I thought it was gonna get. This an old story I'm kind of embarrassed😂 if you want to see actual good writing, check out my originals 🤙🏻

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