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Seokjin's pov

One. month. left. And I want it to be over so bad. I have so many stretch marks. My feet and back hurt so much. The twins are squished so they kick a lot and it hurts. Namjoon tries so hard to help and sometimes it works but not all the time. At the moment I am laying on the couch with my eyes closed but can't sleep because of my back. Namjoon is working in our room since the laptop charger is in there. I was on the verge of crying, between these hormones and pain in my back I am just overwhelmed.

Now thinking about this made a couple tears roll down my check. Then here comes the sobs. I was crying loudly so I guess I didn't hear Namjoon running down the stairs. "Seokjin what's wrong?" Namjoon said as he crouched down infront of me. "My back is killing me, and I am scared." I whispered the last part hoping Namjoon wouldn't have heard me. "Why are you scared babe." Namjoon started to rub my back right where it hurt, like he just knew where it was. "I, I just am scared something will go wrong Joon. I am scared I will be to tired to give birth or I can't do it. I am scared I won't know what they want when they are crying. I am just scared of everything, but also so excited." I was still crying but I was calming down since Namjoon is with me. "Hey nothing is going to go wrong. The doctor would have noticed if anything were wrong with them also. And when you give birth I will be right by your side. I am not going to let anything happen to you three. We will learn what they are needing from us when they cry."

After I stoped crying I went upstairs with Namjoon and laid on the bed as he went back to work and was just looking at things on my phone. "Yeonjun and Minho" "what, who is that seokjin?" "Our babies names, well if you like the names of course." "I think it's perfect babe." Namjoon turned of his laptop then came and laid next to me. Namjoon put both his hands on my baby bump. "How about that boys? Yeonjun and Minho?" When he said Yeonjun there was a kick and when he said Minho our other little boy kicked. "I am glad you like the names." after I said that I put my hands by Namjoon's. "I really like those names Jinnie." "I do to, and I think these boys do to." the twins were going crazy. They loved their daddy's voice and he was talking right next to my bump so they could hear him. "You should keep talking them them, they really love your voice Joon." "Anything for my boys" after that Namjoon talk for an hour till we both fell asleep.

Namjoon's pov

I woke up before my husband but I could feel the little ones kicking away. I put my hands where they were kicking and started to rub the skin. That's the only way they will ever calm down and I don't want them wake my Jinne up. He needs to get as much sleep as he can. His due date is in just over three weeks so he could go into labor anytime now. He is 37 weeks so if he went into labor today everything would be fine since he is full term. I honestly think he will go into labor in the next couple of days.

When Seokjin woke up it was lunch times so I went and grabbed him a chicken salad since that's what he was craving. I also got one and went back up stairs. Jin said his back was really bothering him so I told him we can eat in bed and watch the tv in there. "Here you go babe, and here is ranch." "Thank you!!" Once I got settled on the bed I turned the TV on. "Have you gotten any labor pains?" "No, but these boys are going crazzy in there, I think I will go into labor tomorrow." "Well then let's go to sleep early so you have all the energy you can get to bring these boys into this world." I then put my hands on his baby bump.

I looked over at the clock and it was 8:30 "Hey...." I was about to tell Seokjin that we should go to bed but when I looked over at him I saw he was already asleep. I chuckled then turned the TV off and the bedside lamp. Once I laid down I pulled my husband closer to me. His stomach was now pressed against mine and I could feel Minho and Yeonjun moving around. I can't wait till tomorrow since that's when Jin thinks he will go into labor. I can't wait to hold my babies in my arms and give them all the love I have. Even though my first ones aren't even born yet I can't wait for more children. Me and Seokjin want a big family and I can't wait for it. To be surrounded by my children while me and my husband grow old. I can't wait for the grand babies. I am just so excited for everything.

Through out the night Seokjin kept waking up and I would wake up also. His back and hips were hurting him so bad. I felt like I couldn't do anything but he kept telling me, just me being with him was helping him so much. God I love this man so much.

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