"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!"

Nephthys wasn't really hungry. She had a little bit of salad and a little bit of chicken. She picked at her food for most of the time and Blaise kept glancing at her, as if he were judging her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said.

She glanced over at the Hufflepuff table where Rosie had turned her body and was mouthing something aggressively over to the Gryffindor table to Fred, George, and Lee. Nephthys couldn't the boys faces, but Rosie burst out laughing, which made Nephthys smile.

She stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?" asked Blaise.

"This again?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm trying to make sure you don't do anything stupid," said Blaise, "Must I remind you that last year, you dumped a cup of pumpkin juice over Malfoy's head because he looked at you for a second too long?"

"No need to remind me," said Nephthys as she pointed a finger to her temple, "I recorded it in here."

She walked along the table until she spotted the person she was looking for.

"Flint," she said as she squished herself between him and one of his friends, who glared at her when she tossed her hair back and smacked him on the face.

"What do you want, Black?" said Flint as he looked up at her.

"When are Quidditch tryouts?"

"Why do you want to know? Does your little boyfriend want to be on the team?" He was referring to Vincent, who was not her boyfriend. She'd rather drown herself than willingly have anything to do with him. There was no guarantee he wouldn't end up like his father and she wouldn't end up like his mother.

"Something about that sounds a little discriminatory, which I'm sure would never be your intention. A shame it would be if you missed out on future donations."

Flint turned his head to look at her, "Don't tell me. You want to join? Even if you did, I already have in mind who I want on my team. There's no point."

"Yes, there is a point," said Nephthys, "We all want the same thing here. To win. I reckon I have the skills and I refuse to be shut down simply because I don't have a dick. I'll see you at tryouts with Snape's recommendation." 

And with a final crude smile, Nephthys pushed herself up from the seat and walked out of the Great Hall, ready to call it a night.

That was too much to ask for because by the time she had gotten ready for bed, the rest of the Slytherin had finished dinner. She was laying on her bed on her stomach, doodling on a journal, her curtain closed around her bed when the door opened.

"I can't believe I'm the bad person to you, Black," said Ruby as she stormed over and ripped the curtain open, "You decided to ditch us the whole evening and hang out with third years?"

"I'm not even a whole year older than Zabini," said Nephthys, "We would've been in the same year had my mother not given birth four months earlier than she was supposed to."

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