Chapter Twenty

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date ——— "THE SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM," said Nephthys after multiple failed guesses from George, "I remember a particular conversation that Gryffindors had the best parties."

George grinned, "That we do. If there was a trophy for that, we'd win it every year."

Nephthys laughed, "No, no. Slytherins definitely beat the Gryffindors in that category. We could back and forth all we went on this topic but the only way you could see the truth is if you experienced it yourself. Soon after winter break, we'll play against Ravenclaw and I can imagine a party is in order. You should come look for the item then."

"Is this you're way of asking me to be your date to a party, Cloudy?" mused George.

Nephthys tilted her head, "That's not — sure." George seemed to be thinking about something and Nephthys said, "You could bring Fred too and — I won't say anything if somehow snakes made it to the party." She was joking around with the last statement and his grin grew, which was what she had hoped to see.

"I'll let you know if your team wins," said George.

Nephthys exhaled, "The last two objects are the actual book and the item that blocks the dreams. They have yet to find a permanent hiding place. I'll update Rosie when I figure that out. Do you have any idea what one of the objects is?"

"I'm not telling you," said George, "I want it to be a surprise."

"Good luck with that," said Nephthys, "Once you find the object, owl it to me and I'll respond with what you're looking for. Simple as that."

"Sounds like a piece of cake," said George confidently, "I don't know why you kept pushing for this meeting, Rosie."

"I wanted to make sure of something," said Rosie.

"Did you get your answer?" asked Nephthys. Rosie nodded. Nephthys smiled, "That's great, Ro."

"Yeah," said Rosie quietly, "Have fun, Georgie."

"Yeah," said Marco, sarcastically unlike Rosie, "He'll have fun alright."

Nephthys threw her shoe at him. He screamed as he didn't have the fastest reflexes and just blocked his face with his hands. The side of her shoe his hit hands and she summoned it back to her. She threw it at him a second time before she put it back on her foot. George didn't seem to understand exactly what he meant, but Nephthys did.

"Marco," said Rosie with a glare.

"I'm leaving, don't worry," said Marco as he stood up.

"See you around," said Nephthys with a forced smile. Marco hissed at her as he walked by and she laughed out of amusement. "How cute." Marco shot her a glare as he opened the door. Nephthys waved.

"You need to stop it too, Nephthys," said Rosie.

"I was being polite and then he had to go and hiss at me," said Nephthys, "He acts like he's five."

"Just ignore him," said Rosie, "Even if you two don't get along anymore, you still care about him don't you?" Nephthys didn't respond, but Rosie could tell from her face that the answer wasn't a no. It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no either.

"His life is hard — his mind makes his life hard," Rosie corrected herself. Marco's life was not perfect but it wasn't hard. When he wanted, he could retreat back to his muggle life and ignore the wizarding world. He was from a wealthy family with connections to the muggle government, whatever the system was. That was all that Nephthys knew and all she had to know. They lived similar lifestyles, but one in the muggle world and the other in the wizarding world.

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