Chapter One

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first ——— NEPHTHYS SIGHED AS SHE STARED AT THE LETTER IN HER HANDS. It was an invitation from Rosie Hepburn to her little sister's birthday. She wasn't sure if she should take the opportunity to go. On one hand, she loved the Hepburns, but on the other, her mother would be there, if she could even be called that.

Nephthys had a complicated relationship with her biological mother, Aurélie.

From the moment she had been born, her mother was absent from her life. Some told Nephthys she was young and grieving, that she panicked. Yet, she had time to come back for her but she never did. Instead, Aurélie left for France where she continued to search for people in her past that she couldn't even remember rather than get to know her daughter. Perhaps it was selfish of Nephthys to wish such thing, but all she had wanted for a long time was her mother. She would hear stories about her and dream of waking up and her mother would be next to her with a smile and open arms.

As a baby, Nephthys was taken care of by Mr. Hepburn. His wife was rarely home and he had two other young children, but he still treated her like one of his own. However, the situation wasn't permanent. The Hepburns did not have legal custody of her.

One day, Mr. Hepburn had to run an errand to his workplace after he had taken Nephthys to be looked at by a healer. He had put her down for a second and being the three year old she was, Nephthys ran off. She didn't get far as someone had caught her in the time it took Mr. Hepburn to notice. That someone was Narcissa Malfoy, who had merely stopped her because she had seen a young child running around the Ministry alone.

Nephthys didn't know the specifics, she didn't know what Mrs. Malfoy spoke about with Mr. Hepburn, but she did know she began to see Mrs. Malfoy a lot more often and even met her own family. Then, her mother came back into the country. Nephthys saw her from afar, but Aurélie didn't interact with her while she was in the country. During this time, Mrs. Hepburn came home after hearing of what was happening. Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn were discussing the Malfoys, how Nephthys's home was with them when Aurélie said to let them take her. Since then, Aurélie has said it was because she knew what she was doing was wrong. Despite that, she wanted Nephthys to have a good upbringing even if the Malfoys weren't known for their good morals. Not to mention, Mr. Hepburn struggled taking care of three small children on his own even if he never said that.

That was how Nephthys found herself adopted by the Malfoys, who allowed her to keep her last name.

When Aurélie finally returned permanently, Nephthys was eleven. She had outgrown her fantasies of her mother returning for her and she was bitter. Aurélie had visited the Malfoys and begged them to let her see Nephthys. Even when Mrs. Malfoy caved in, Nephthys refused to come out of her room when she realized who wanted to see her.

Three years later and Nephthys had since spoken to Aurélie but nothing more than what was polite. If she could help it, she wouldn't see Aurélie at all, but she also really wanted to see Emery and Rosie.

"Just go," said Ruth Beihold as she sat on the edge of the bed, "Keep making her regret her life."

"But it's hard on Nephthys too," said Belle Rowle, who sat on the floor.

"Are you guys kidding? Why are we even discussing this?" said Ruby White, who sat on the other side of Nephthys, "You can't go, Nephthys!"

Nephthys lowered the invitation and looked up at Ruby from where she was laying down, "Why not?"

"I thought we all agreed that you shouldn't be so close to the Hepburns," said Ruby as she clicked her tongue, "Do I need to explain myself further?"

"On second thought, Ruby's right," said Ruth, "They're bloodtraitors and the whole party will be full of them."

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