Chapter Ninteen

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in the middle ——— "I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU THINK SOMETIMES," said Rosie as she appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Merlin, Ro," breathed out Nephthys as she turned her head, "Who let you in?"

"Unimportant," said Rosie as she fell back on the bed, "It's cold down here."

"I happen to like it that way," said Nephthys, "What brings you down to the snake pit, little badger?"

Rosie gaped at her, "Who are you calling little?! I'm older!"

"I'm taller!" retorted Nephthys.

Rosie frowned as she racked her brain for a response, but she came up empty. Nephthys smiled as she continued to fold her robes. Rosie tilted her head, "Are you already packing for winter break?"

"Of course, haven't you?" said Nephthys, but she knew the answer. It was no, Rosie had a habit of leaving things at the last possible moment. At the end of last year, Rosie didn't begin to pack until an hour before the train's departure. It was stressful for everyone but Rosie had yet to learn her lesson.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that," said Rosie sheepishly, "Neph. . .can I visit you over break?"

Nephthys paused for a moment. She stared down at the blouse she had just folded before she placed it into the trunk. "I don't know, Rosie. . .the Malfoys don't exactly approve of our friendship."

"I just wish I could learn more about you. Sometimes I worry we're not as close as I think we are," said Rosie quietly. Nephthys moved her clothing to the side and took a seat beside Rosie. She reached out to grab her hand.

"What do you mean? You know me better than anyone else I know," said Nephthys.

"But I've seen you from afar when you're with other Slytherins or Malfoy — you're different. I don't know how but you are and I wish to get to know that Nephthys as well, not just the one I know and love."

Nephthys stared at her, a frown plastered on her face, "Rosie. . ."

"I know! I know it's a little weird," said Rosie, "But you know all of me and I only know a part of you."

"Rosie, you know me. That part of me is a side to me you don't want to know."

"But I do. I want to know exactly who you are," said Rosie.

"Let me rephrase that. It's a side of me I don't want you to know," said Nephthys softly, "I don't want to lose you because I worry I'll lose who I truly am if that happens."

"You won't," said Rosie firmly, "You'd have to do something absolutely horrible in order to get rid of me."

"I'm happy you feel so strongly about that, but I still don't know. If the Malfoys say anything to you, I don't know if I'd be able to bite my tongue. In doing so, I'll damage our comfortable relationship."

"It's fine," said Rosie quietly, "We have all the time in the world. I actually came to speak to you about something else."

"I figured with 'I don't understand how you think sometimes', well, Ro, you don't have to. Only I do, even if I don't understand myself half the time," said Nephthys as she stood up and continued her packing.

"Fair," said Rosie as she laid down on Nephthys's bed. She grabbed the curtain and stared at it in her hands, "I love this green. It reminds me of you."

Nephthys looked over with furrowed brows, "Slytherin green reminds you of. . .me?"

"Yeah," said Rosie with a nod, "I cant explain it, it just does."

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