{Summer love}

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It was a hot Australian summer as always; you wipe your sweat as you continue walking around the festival with your best friends. The festive sounds drowns out your friend's voice, you looked at her with confusion "what?" "my boyfriend's friends are going to be joining us, you okay with that?" You shrugged "up to you..." in a way you hoped it didn't happen, just because the thought of having to talk to new people just made you nervous.

You hear (y/b/n)'s voice dragging you out of your deep thoughts "oh my gosh, I forgot to mention he has an American friend coming today as well" she taps her lips "I think he's staying for the summer" "what does that have to with me?" She gives you a devious grin "I don't need a boyfriend, definitely not at the moment. Set him up with our other single friends" "you won't be saying that when you see him" you roll your eyes.

It wasn't like you wanted to be single forever but today wasn't your day, you didn't feel like being out, but your best friends insisted that you were out of the house; plus, it was a hot day.

You and your best friend sit on the bench eating ice cream "are you mad at me?" she questions "why?" "you just seem out of it. I'm sorry for dragging you out but the girls and I were worried about you" "nah, not mad. I just hate the heat but again it's nice being out here with you guys. Home is just a crappy place to be at the moment" you turn to face your friend "and stop trying to set me up with everyone! You know how dates end up when they're with me" she rolls her eyes "just give this poor guy a chance" "fine, but if ends terribly again I'm coming for you."

You both walk to the middle of the festival grounds, your other friends wave; you notice a group of guys with them and mentally prepared yourself "(y/n) that's Timothée, you should go say hi" you follow her finger, the guy already had a grin on his face. His hazel eyes glowed as the sun sets and his brown curls lightly dance in the warm summer breeze. 'He is handsome' you thought.

"Hey, I'm Timothée."

"Hey, I'm (y/n)." You awkwardly look around, (y/b/n) gives you a wink.

"So, you must be the American friend?" He softly smiles "American French but yes" you nod your head "and you?" "Ah, I was born here but I'm (nationality)" "oh cool" he looks around "is there anything I could get you? Maybe some cotton candy?" "We call it fairy floss" you give him a little smirk "I'm good though" he places a hand on your waist "does it always get this crowded, I'm afraid I might lose you" "I can take care of myself though" he shakes his head "I know but what would I do if I'm lost" you shrug, he places a hand to his chest "thank you for caring so much."

You both are sitting on the bench, not knowing what to do however, the silence between you both isn't awkward anymore. Timothée gently grabs your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours, he softly looks into your eyes "do you want to ride the Ferris wheel with me?" "Sure...but can you hold onto me..." you blush "n-not like that, I'm afraid of heights" he nods as he leads the way to the ride.

In the past, your dates were never right for you; one way or another they leave, making you doubt you might find someone that was for you and was in it for the long run or that they leave after the first date. Right now, you feel the comfort and warmth from his hand and presence even though it is a sweltering day, but will it ever work out.

"Are you okay?" you nod "sorry just daydreaming" he places a hand on your thigh "are you okay being on this, like we can get off they haven't moved yet" you can see the concern in his eyes "nah, I'm good" his stare lingers for a little moment longer "alright" as the sun sets even further down, the breeze becomes cooler, being high up has never felt so relaxing.

"Timmy, how long will you be here?" "Till the end of February" your heart sinks in disappointment "oh yeah...summer would be over" you softly mumble to yourself. You turn your face away to admire the ocean "does it make you sad?" you slowly shake your head "you're not even looking at me" Timothée moves in closer, gently places his hand under your chin to make you face him. No words were needed as you both knew how each other felt.

You take in a deep breath "funny how we barely met for an entire day and yet I feel something for you" at this point you were distracted by your thoughts that being on top of the Ferris wheel didn't faze you "do you want to walk by the beach after this?" you nod "also I think I clicked with you pretty quick" a loud chuckle came out of you "dude we barely spoke" he laughs "it's not just that, you made me feel comfortable; can't explain the feeling" "please don't use 'you're not like other girls' on me, I will abandon you here" he puts his hands up in surrender laughing.

As you both walk along the waterline, he stops in front of you "do you want to give this a go? Going on dates with me?" you bite your lip and sigh "I'm not sure" he reaches out to hold your hand "I want to Timmy but I want something more than just a summer fling...you're gonna leave soon" he squeezes your hand "we can try long distance" "yeah thirty hours away from each other is easy isn't it" he can hear the frustration in your voice "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, I just wanted you to know that this is on the table, I want to date you and see where it goes."

Sitting down on the cool sand, you stare at the gentle water flowing to shore "are you not scared of being hurt? Going away in two months, not knowing when we could see each other again in person?" he giggles "dude what's so funny?" you pout "I can tell you're a detailed person, I honestly didn't even think of that. All I knew was that I wanted to give this a try, try to date you and maybe make it official" Timothée wraps his arm around your shoulder "now that you mention it, of course I would be sad to leave you for I don't know how long but we can find ways to communicate and I can try to fly down once in a while" "I will think about it".

You both sit by the waters edge for a while talking about anything and everything that came to mind, you could feel that what you both could have potential for the future, but the feeling of doubt and sadness continued to do somersaults in your stomach. His features were illuminated by the dim light of the moon, all the background noise became silent, the only thing you heard was his sweet voice and laughter "I've never felt this way before" he stops talking and turns to you with a loving look "what do you mean?" you reach out to caress his cheek "the way you make me feel, no one has ever made me feel like this in just a day. You make me feel warmth and comfort...maybe I do want to try going out with you" he beams "you really mean it?!" he jumps up from the sand doing a little dance, he grabs your arm dragging you in the celebratory dance. Timothée plants an affectionate kiss on your hand before kissing your forehead "thank you."   

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