{Best friends brother}

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A/N: sorry in advance if there's any mistakes. I'm typing everything on my phone and it is bothering me a lot. It's not the same as the laptop :( but the show must go on.

The pastel orange-pink hue drowned it's surrounding creating a scenery that you would think came out of a fairy tale story; too beautiful to be true.

You walk down the familiar streets, one that you knew like the back of your hand. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves, houses were empty and silent and cars rushed by as people were in a rush heading home on thus beautiful Friday evening.

You stand in front of the Chalamet's door when you notice an unfamiliar vehicle: a black motorbike with the helmet dangling from the handlebars.

You knock on the door slower than usual as thoughts ran through your mind, trying to think of who could possibly be here and if Delphine had mentioned she had a guest over today.

"Oh, hello dear" Mrs Chalamet's voice was sweet and gentle; one of many things you liked about her. She greets you with a smile and open arms.

"Hello Mrs Chalamet. Is Delphine in?"

"Yep! She's upstairs...beware she is stressed out" she slightly chuckles.

You knew your best friend. She probably had bed hair and a messy room with rubbish and clothes tossed around the place, you grin to yourself excited to see her but to also see her frazzled state.

You slowly push the door open; the room was illuminated by the sunset as it seeps through the sheer curtains; the desk lamp was the main source of light as Delphine sat at her desk with furrowed brows and tapping the pen on her forehead. You weren't sure if she was moving it to the beat of the music blasting through her headphones or if she was thinking really hard.

"Hello" you pull aside her earphones which nearly earned you a punch in the face.

"Don't do that, man" she clicks her tongue and she puts everything down to turn around and look at you "what brings you here?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Maybe get a few of your cocktails into my system" you slouch your shoulders as you relax onto her bed "also, whose motorbike is out front?"

"My brothers..." she rolls her eyes in annoyance "he comes back and he's all up in my face whilst I try and study"

You smile at her annoyance, earning a tired glare from her to which you give an apologetic expression. You left her to study as you notice how stressed out she was and maybe you're weren't being helpful in teasing her; you made your way to their soft feathery couch.

It wasn't long till your eyelids gave out.

You weren't sure how long you were knocked out for; you just knew it was a long time. It was always that way at the end of the working week. You would feel so exhausted, as if a truck had hit you multiple times.

You hear mumbles above you; you couldn't make out the words but you knew it was two different people. You stretched out your hands getting ready to possibly wake up, it stopped; you squeezed the facial structure that your hand had fell upon.

"Well...isn't she lovely" a low gravelly voice bellows in your ears as they gently push your hand away.

"Your fault for putting your face all up in her space...can you just leave her be?" you knew that was Delphine speaking.

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