1 I Thank You for Using the Random Portal Service. We Hope to See You Again

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I have no idea what's the map for Pulau Rintis is like so I'm making it up, sorry-

It was a peaceful night in Pulau Rintis. The moon was up and the clouds were drifting by the buildings in the city. The night creatures were out and about, hunting for food or just chilling in the cold air. The light poles have been turned on and the streets were practically empty except for the few who were still working.

Just nearby were some of the housing areas for the residents of Pulau rintis. The houses themselves weren't as big or flashy as other residents, but to the people who lived there for the majority of their lives, it was comfort to them.

Mr Kumar was on back to his home from work, exhausted as hell. There was more customers than usual who had come to his ice cream shop so it took way longer than he expected to clean the whole store and lock it up. By the time he was done, it was already 9 p.m. and all his workers have left.

Now in his own vehicle, making his way back home, he decided to take a shortcut instead of his usual road since one, like I said earlier, he was tired and hungry, two, taking his usual road would mean a car ride for half an hour. So of course, he opted for the short-cut.

Mr Kumar turned left into a street and kept driving, trying to stay awake. His radio was practically on max volume and he had abandon the pillows that was usually attached to the headrest in an effort to stop him from falling to sleep but all that was practically useless.

Just a few more minutes and you'll be home, he thought as he drove by houses after houses. You can just get into bed and skip dinner.Think about the bed and actually getting some rest-

His thoughts were interrupted as a harsh white light came out from the one of the house's room, causing him to stop his car abruptly. With his mouth ajar, he looked out from the passenger's side window and gazed up at the light, feeling both curious and afraid.

Just seconds after the light appeared, it disappeared just as suddenly, leaving a stunned Mr Kumar behind.

Unsure of what to do, he went back to driving his way home, not being able to properly think until he was finally at the gate of his house. By the time he could actually form a logical thought, a single question popped into his mind.

Wait, wasn't that Boboiboy's house???


"F*** F*** F***, WHAT THE F******?!?!" He shrieked as he zoomed along a long narrow tube that was glowing in dozens of colours. Unable to think about anything else, all he could do is scream like a little girl as the portal brought him to whatever it had in mind, if it even had one.

Less than 5 minutes after he had stepped through the door of the machine he made, he was shot out like a bullet from a hole in the wall, banging his head on a wall and crashing to the ground. Groaning and with his eyes half-closed, he could vaguely see the hole where he was thrown out off close up behind him.

Welp. There goes my only way to go back. He thought, shrugging as he got back to his feet. Now the real question is where the heck am I...

The room was dark with strange spots of light hanging up on the ceiling like stars. The only source of light was the little moonlight from outside the room, so he couldn't exactly see much unless it's less than a metre from him.

Reaching out blindly, he looked for the nearest wall and begin clambering for a switch to turn on the light. After a few seconds of awkwardly moving against the wall, his fingers touched a light switch which he immediately turned on.

He doesn't know whether or not should he regret turning the lights on.

It was exactly how he had pictured it in his mind the few times he thought of it. The room still had the same theme, "Space". The 'stars' that were hanging on the ceiling were indeed one of those glow-in-the-dark stars, now no longer glowing in the artificial light. His old bed was still there, as usual, slightly crumpled up but still fine, not covered in dust like the last time he saw it.

Changing My Mistake (bbb fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें