7 I An Idiot's Guide to Surviving a Gun Fight

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Warning: Long chapter ahead. And possibly a bunch of cringy text. Read at your own risk.


Knew that was a trap, definitely did not actually fall for something that stupid-

Reverse wished he could actually convince himself that without knowing that it was indeed, just a lie.

The white-haired male glanced back at his companion, who was definitely not ready for a battle against this big guy. Already covered with dirt and whatever they had been walking across, Boboiboy looked more as if he had spent the past few hours rolling in the stuff instead of breaking into someone's house.

Reverse raised booth his hands up in the air, cautiously taking a few steps away from Karl as he kept his eyes on the gun. "Hey. Now listen here, we could take you back to the ship and surrender all that we have to you but we won't exactly be useful to you if we're dead, right? The ship has some pretty good security that even if you're a good hacker, it would take days to break the codes and get past all the security systems without sending a warning to our comrades who would definitely send their best fighters to come get us."

That was also a lie. Reverse has absolutely no idea how good, or how bad, the ship can protect itself from unwanted guests. And by that, I do not mean pests like rats and cockroaches, if that's what in your mind.

Karl studied both their face intensely, glaring at them as if they were peasants and he was someone who had the power to choose whether or not they live or die, which is true in this case, I guess.

He smirked. "Or I could just force you to remove all those security add-ons. There's literally no need for me to stand around and try to convince you to do all that when I can just point a riffle at your forehead. Do you really want to see how fast a bullet can go and how deep it can go through a human skull? I would really like to watch that."

Reverse tilted his head, suddenly being very interested in the topic. "Oh. Actually, a bullet from a rifle can travel pretty far in a short time. However, it can only penetrate the human skin and not the skull. The rifle itself does not have enough power to shoot the bullet and pierce through the bone.... why are you looking at me like that?"

The dino-cap boy warily stepped a bit further as he looked at him strangely. "How exactly do you know so much about guns-"

"It's a bit complicated... Uhm... I'll explain later if we survive this."

"Replace 'if' with 'when' please, or you'll make it sound as if we're about to die."

"Well when we're facing this kind of situation, the possibility of it is very high-"

"I'm still here, you know? In case you guys have somehow forgotten about my presence." Karl scowled, using one arm to reload  his gun as he kept his other hand on the dagger around his weapon belt. "You do remember that I'm the one with a gun who has the two of you in my own territory right?"

Reverse bit his lips and looked around the area, desperately hoping for some way out of the situation before his eyes landed on the rifle in his hands. An idea clicked in his mind as he smirked.

"How do we know you aren't terrible at using a gun? For all we know, you could be a petty beginner who's trying to make himself look bette-"


The crimson-eyes boy immediately shut his mouth up as he stared at the spot just in front of his two feet, where two new bullet holes had appeared on the sand ground. His ears was ringing from the gunshot as something rapidly form at the tips of his left ear. Reaching a hand up, he touched the fluid and brought it in front of his eyes, recognizing that it was indeed his own blood.

Changing My Mistake (bbb fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz