Chapter Thirty-Six

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Seven weeks later


For the next couple weeks, I did exactly as Rachel had told me seven weeks ago. I didn't push Annabeth, I let everything happen naturally, and to be honest, I'm glad I did.

Piper forgave me about two weeks ago, and Nico forgave me last week. It was nice for us all to be friends again.

I had told Annabeth about how Drew responded, and she said she wasn't surprised that that was how she responded, but at least it was over.

Annabeth didn't really want me to do anything else for her, but I wanted to do things for her, so for about a month, I was Annabeth's personal servant.

The the last couple weeks, things have been pretty natural between us, and even at times flirty, but I'm not going to be the one to point it out.

Right now, we're in my mum's apartment. Mum had just gone to the grocery because I was craving blue cookies but we had no eggs.

Annabeth had rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you go get them yourself?"

But my mum had laughed and said she wanted to get out of the house anyways.

I was currently sitting in my living room, fiddling with riptide (In pen form). Annabeth was lying down on the same couch, her feet resting on my lap. She was reading a book on architecture, of course. I hadn't seen her with it before, so I was guessing it was new. 

She was looking particularly beautiful today, her curls forming perfect ringlets and her eyes a gorgeous shade of grey. She read her book with a certain concentration that I wished I had.

Annabeth's pov

I don't know if Percy knows, but I was not reading my book. I had picked up a random book on Archetypes, and my ADHD was really bad today, and I was finding it hard to focus.

Percy was staring at me, I think, but I couldn't look up from my book or I'd make eye contact with him. So I just made it look like I was concentrating really hard on my reading. 

After a couple more minutes I made it look like I finished a chapter and shut the book. 

"This book is boring." I said. flopping it down on the floor.

Percy put his hand on his heart, "You? The daughter of Athena, think a book is boring?! How dare you!?"

I playfully kicked him, "Hey, just because we like reading doesn't mean we have to like all of the books we read!"

Percy shrugged, "If you say so WiseGirl."

I chuckled. "Well at least I read!"

Percy gasped, "OH you're seriously bringing what I read into this?!"

"No," I said innocently, "Because you don't read!"

Percy rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me, "Ha! Take that."

I scoffed, "Oh you are so on!"

I grabbed the pillow he threw at me and smacked him on the head with it, then I lost my balance and fell on top of him.

He laughed and started tickling me, "Ooh! Who had one now?" He said playfully. He stopped when I told him to, which was a nice touch as well.

When I looked up at him, all I could see was him looking back at me, but he was looking back at me with love, and I knew the time was right for me. I kissed him.

He seemed caught my surprise, and he had a delayed reaction, but it was enough for me. Enough that I was actually kissing him.

We were caught up in each other that we didn't hear the front door opening.

We didn't hear Sally until she cleared her throat, and we jumped apart.

Sally smiled and shook her head as she turned to the counter, "So who wants blue cookies?"


The percabeth story isn't over! I'm thinking of adding two or three more parts about their future!!!

But we're nearing the end guys! So thank you for everyone who's reading this, and don't forget to recommend this story to your friends (only if you want to, you dont have to)! 

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